Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

History of New Rockford: March 15, 2021

On Dec. 7, there was “a good fall of snow.” However, it wasn’t enough to provide good sleighing. The morning train brought in Charles Mann. He and his wife took the afternoon train to begin their trip home to Sioux Falls, S.D. She had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Frederick Skidmore, and family at Tiffany since Nov. 19. C.O. Tomlinson of Barlow, John McIver of eastern Eddy County, Henry B. Johnson of Plainview, and Ole Johnson were in town; the latter had nearly recovered from the injuries he suffered in his wagon accident on Nov. 6. Sheyenne grain dealer, A.H. Johnson was down on business. Mrs. H.J. Mitchell and Mrs. R.R. Woodward visited the Mr. and Mrs. James Hackney farm. Mrs. Guy Lathrop went to her old home, Wabash, Ind., for the winter. At 7:30 p.m., Rev. E.W. Burleson of Jamestown conducted Episcopal services. That evening A.H. Johnson of Sheyenne and B.W. Hersey of Tiffany became third-degree Masons at a meeting of Century Lodge #60.

The Eddy County Commission met on Dec. 7 and 8. On Dec. 7, they voted to pay the following: $7, F.E. Reed, putting storm windows on the courthouse; $2.50, R.E. Miller, cleaning the courthouse outhouse; $22, Oscar Bauer, team work on road; $3.25, Christine Mattson, meals to jurors; $4, Noxon & Oglesby, telephone for Oct. and Nov.; $26.90, R.M. Kennedy, wood and coal for Mrs. Curtiss and Mrs. Cahill, county poor; $34, H. Peoples & Co., supplies for county poor; $11.30, New Rockford Light & Water Improvement Co., for 565 cubic feet of gas; $30, W.C. Hayes, courthouse janitor for Nov.; $1.95, D. Niven, beef for Mrs. Cahill; $45, Mrs. A.G. Gardner, clerk in the register of deeds office, Nov.

On Dec. 8, the Commissioners voted to pay $15.95, Prader & Goss, suit of clothes for prisoner, Fred Adams and for merchandise for Mrs. Cahill, county poor; $10, Rodenberg & Schwoebel, merchandise for Mrs. Lewis, county poor; 80 cents, R.U. Austin, repairing scraper.

On Dec. 7 and 8, A.A. Morse and G.E. Randolph of eastern Eddy County were in on business. Frank Howard was in Fargo, where he would relocate his jewelry business after Jan. 1.

On the evenings of Dec. 7-9, the Oard-Fenwick Co. staged a play at the Opera House before a crowded house each evening. Former resident, Ira Oard,was the manager of the Oard-Fenwick Co. A.E. Swanson, cashier of the bank in Barlow, was at the play the evening of Dec. 8, and Thomas Quam of Sheyenne was there the next evening.

On the evening of Dec. 8, Mrs. George M. Pike was initiated into the Eastern Star Lodge. The members also elected officers: Viola Woodward, Worthy Matron; W.E. Biggs, Worthy Patron; Lizzie Schwoebel, Associate Matron; Maggie Morris, Secretary; Jennie Brownell, Treasurer; Lizzie Biggs, Conductress; Johanna H. Maddux, Associate Conductress; Phoebe Woodward, Ada; Mrs. Alice Rager, Ruth; Amanda Radtke, Esther; Laura Pike, Martha; Mary Baird, Electa; Anna Prader, Warder; W.C. Hayes, Sentry; Anna Beebe, Chaplain; Nell Davidson, Marshal; Laura Mitchell, Organist. A short social meeting was held, followed by “an elegant lunch” served by caterer James Hamilton.

On Dec. 9, Ida Brueske returned to Wimbledon after visiting her brother, William Brueske. That evening the Pioneer Dancing Club held its second social dance.

On Dec. 10, Clayton Hall returned from his business trip to St. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. K.O. Vick, from northeast of Sheyenne, and Adolph Samuelson of Sheyenne came down to New Rockford. Paul Steinweg was in town from Casselton or Leonard, N.D., to visit his sister Mrs. H.F. Rodenberg and family and returned on Dec. 19. R.H. Perkins left for his home at Kilbourn City, Wisc. That evening, John G. Scorer gave a lecture on “A Generation of Jokers” in the Opera House. The Royal Neighbors elected officers: Lizzie M. Biggs, Oracle; Laura E. Pike, Vice-Oracle; Maria Winslow, Chancellor; Viola Woodward, Recorder; Anna Prader, Receiver; Amanda Radtke, Marshal; Mary Baird, Inner Sentinel; Matheida McFadden, Outer Sentinel; Vida Goss, Manager, 3 years. Also that evening there was a dancing party at the rural home of Mr. and Mrs. Axtle Johnson southeast of town.

The Dec. 11, 1903, “Transcript” mentioned the “Dickey Reporter.” That issue contained a half-page ad for the F. Howard, jeweler, selling-out sale. An announcement said that between then and Christmas, D. Labhardt would offer three prizes for the highest scores at his bowling alley. That issue admonished those who sat in the back of the Opera House not to talk during the performances as some people had been doing.

On Dec. 11 in the Tiffany School, a “county fair” was held with prizes for the best bread, cake, and canned or preserved fruit and jellies.“Two of the prettiest maids in our village” attended a booth for exhibits. There was an oyster supper from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The Tiffany Ladies’ Aid, which sponsored the event, had fancy work for sale. Also that evening, a dance and supper were held at the Steinbach School, with proceeds going towards the purchase of an organ and other items for the school. There was “quite a large crowd,” considering the weather. That evening also saw a well-attended basket social at the Schwoebel School southeast of town.

On Dec. 12, John Aldred went to St. Paul for an appendectomy; he returned on Dec. 19.

At 1 a.m. either on Dec. 12 or 13, a fire started in a defective flue in the Mr. and Mrs. F.S. Dunham farm house west of New Rockford; considerable damage occurred before it was put out. The family got out safely.

On Sunday, Dec. 13, New Rockford suffered a cold snap that “was one of the most severe we have experienced in the month of Dec. for many years.” That morning, Dr. C.J. McNamara drove up from Barlow to visit. Also up from Barlow was Walter Schmid, editor of the “Barlow Recorder.” That evening there was a special “song service” with “special” music by the choir in the Methodist Church.

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