Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: May 10, 2021

Monday, niece Shelly Nelson and Sassy of Oklahoma arrived at Aunt Janet Laube’s home. Shelly was a guest and helper until Thursday when she left. She motored on home in the late uncle Leo’s (Ole Blue) pickup, making it safe and sound.

Edgar Duda turned 94 on Wednesday, April 28. Shirley Packard took the senior van, driven by Dennis Koenig, to Carrington that day, taking birthday greetings to Edgar at Golden Acres Manor. Edgar was a former neighbor to Dennis, so Dennis also visited. They enjoyed their visit with Edgar, finding him in good spirits.

Friday, Mary Gehrtz was a helper at the Shirley Packard home. Saturday, Alex Harrison was a brief stopper.

Wednesday, Amanda Bickett enjoyed a treat over tea with her mom, Marvis Holte. Amanda returned Friday evening for a visit with her mom Marvis and her dad Ken.

Larry and Irene Lucht called mom, Eloise Lucht, on Sunday, from Virginia, where it was sunny and over 80 degrees. They had been busy in their yard cleaning and planting flowers.

Son Jerrod called Candy Jensen recently with the news of the purchase of a new pet, a ferret he named Ferris Buehler.

Ken and Marvis Holte enjoyed a phone chat with their daughter Fayette Nelson on Sunday.

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