Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
NDSU Extension Agents from Eddy, Foster and Wells counties conducted an Ag in the Gym event for area schools, after taking a break due to COVID in 2020. The mission, based on the Agriculture in the Classroom concept, was to educate area third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade students about the importance of agriculture and where food and agricultural by-products come from. This year, the focus of the event was on oil seeds, dry beans, pulse crops and pulse nutrition.
The students spent about 10 minutes at each of the four educational stations. Chandy Howard, Extension Ag and Natural Resource Extension Agent for Eddy County spoke on sunflower and canola production and products. Lindsay Maddock, Ag and Natural Resource Extension Agent for Wells County spoke on dry bean and pulse production and products. Jeff Gale, Ag and Natural Resource Extension Agent for Foster County spoke on soybean production and products. Donna Anderson, Eddy and Foster Family and Community Wellness Extension Agent spoke on pulse nutrition and their role in promoting good health.