Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: June 28, 2021

New Rockford and area folks extend their sympathy to the family of Bill Beals.

Correction: Sorry Billy Womacks Jr., my mistake; Flo is your sister, not wife.

Candy Jensen was among family and friends to take first birthday greetings to Crew Allmaras on Wednesday evening at the Ken and Denise Reis home.

Wednesday found Cheryl Janzen volunteering at the TLC Cat Shelter in Devils Lake, helping LuAnn with clean up.

Todd and Karen Koepplin were among those who took in the t-ball game Wednesday evening at North Park in New Rockford. They visited with Aaron and Danielle Koepplin, who were there cheering on their daughter Chevelle.

Shirley Packard rode the South Central Transit of Carrington, driven by Joan Jaeger, to Fargo on Thursday, where she had an appointment at the TriCare Eye Clinic. After returning to Carrington, they met Veronica Davis at the Hi-Way Drive In and enjoyed a visit over a treat.

Thursday afternoon, daughter Amanda Bickett treated her mom, Marvis Holte, to tea at the Prairie Inn. Sunday, Ken and Marvis Holte were among those who took in the American Legion breakfast at the Eagles Club in New Rockford.

Daughter-in-law Angie Holte was a Saturday visitor to the Candy Jensen home, bringing a new phone and showing Candy how to run it. Sunday, Candy tried out the phone and called her son Derik in Minneapolis, and received a video via her phone, from son Jerrod of Mapelton about his pet Ferret Buhler.

Saturday, Charlene Hoffman Anderson of Devils Lake and her sister Penny Eidem of Greely, Colo. were visitors to the Robert and Cheryl Janzen home.

MarJean Pfau was a brief stopper at the Janet Laube home Sunday, while out biking.

Bill and Diana Ziegler, Duff and Sandy Settelmeyer, Brent and Jenna Helseth and family, Ken and Denise Reis with other family and grandkids, Nate Rue and Axel, along with Rob and Margie Lies and Roger Longnecker were either participating in, or checked out, the Circle Trail Riders’ weekend ride and visited the camp at Hendrickson Park near Sheyenne.

Todd Harrison and Alex were helpers at the Shirley Packard home on Sunday, cleaning the eave troughs and tuning up the air conditioner.

Father’s Day supper guests at the Ken and Marvis Holte home were Cody and Amanda Bickett and Izzy. Phone calls, with good wishes for the day came from daughter Fayette Nelson, and sons Loren Holte and Jerrod Holte.

Robert and Cheryl Janzen were among those who attended the wedding reception for Matt and Kim Schaefer on Saturday at Potter Pavilion, on the Steam Thresher grounds in New Rockford.

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