Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Archival Anecdotes: The Joys of Furry Friends

Last fall I wrote about dogs and the role they played in the families of early settlers in Eddy County. After recently writing about friendships, I was reminded that canines (and felines) can offer some pretty valuable relationships.

It has long been recognized that animals can help calm and soothe people during times of distress, and even lower blood pressure, but there are more benefits to caring for a pet, a fact that the folks pictured here seem to understand.

Pets can alter our moods and offer a sense of peace. They continually remind us that we are worthy of receiving love, and that we are capable of offering it as well. Most will enjoy a good nap as well as an outing, and will encourage us to embrace variety in our lives.

Most of all, they remind us we are home, where we don't have to worry about the past or the future. All we have to do is be present.

Of course when I say 'we', I mean the folks a century before as well, for they were as equally captivated by their pets as we are today.

The Eddy County Museum is open to visitors on Sundays until Labor Day, 1-4 p.m.