Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: Aug. 9, 2021

Janet Laube and YipYip visited great-granddaughter Kaylie Kimble on Monday at the Donna Sharbono home in Carrington. Kaylie is visiting from Wyoming. Kaylie spent a couple of days with Janet and YipYip.

Tuesday, Calvin Packard helped mom Shirley make her bedroom ready for a new mattress. On Tuesday evening, Merita Aldeyel was a brief visitor.

Travelers Dave and Cheryl Gabbert have made their way from Ohio to St. Marie, Mich. From there it’s on to Minnesota and North Dakota in time for the Steam Threshers event in New Rockford.

New Rockford and surrounding areas extend sympathy to the families of Phyllis Topp and Sandy (Kjos) Olund.

Ken and Marvis Holte drove to Devils Lake on Thursday morning, did some shopping and took lunch to daughter Fayette Nelson’s home and enjoyed time together. Daughter Amanda Bickettt stopped in at mom and dad’s Friday evening with a sample of a new salad for them to try.

On July 24, Candy Jenson was surprised by her sons Derik Holte of Minneapolis and Jerrod and Angie Holte of Mapelton. They brought 70th birthday greetings and treated mom to dinner in Maddock. Derik stayed a couple days, visiting other family and friends in the area, including Rick and Cora Koepplin of the Warwick area.

Janet Laube enjoyed phone calls this past week from sister-in-law Lois Ockert, niece Robin Westal of Fargo, and great-granddaughter Tonya of Florida.

Marvis Holte got a phone call from her sister Ardy Yates on Thursday that Ardy’s husband Bob was in an Arkansas hospital, doing fine, awaiting surgery for a pacemaker.

This past Wednesday, Terry and Sandy Koepplin treated sister Candy Jenson to a belated birthday dinner at the Rockford Café.

Thursday, Shirley Packard woke up coughing, had an earache and a raspy throat. Thinking she may have the flu bug, she found herself in the clinic. Dr. diagnosed all the irritation to be the Canadian smoke. She was given prescriptions for cough syrup and antibiotics, along with drops for her ears, and was advised to stay inside for four days.

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