Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

History of New Rockford: August 23, 2021

At the Republican county caucuses on May 7, it was a battle for delegates between forces either pro- or anti-Peter Mattson. The “Transcript,” an enemy of Mattson, crowed that it appeared that the anti-Mattson forces had gained a clear majority. Delegates chosen were the following: Township 150, Range 67 [Grandfield]—Axel Erickson and Lars Sylling elected; ten men tied - Christ Berge, Christ Hauge, Halvor Hendrickson, Christ Kvalle, Andrew Lee, Nels Olson, Lars Ostby, Oscar Seadal, Ed. Seastrand, and Olof Rue; T150, R66 [Gates]—Robert Henry, S.M. Nelson, George Nunn, Ole Rue, O.B. Stedman, H.B. Stenberg, J.V.N. Sundberg; T150, R65-64 [Hillsdale; Bush]—Olof Barkland, Clayton Hall, Hans Lynes, Ed Nystrom; T150, R63 [Eddy]—Joseph Dutee, John West; T150, R62 [Freeborn]—Thomas Eikom, George Gillette; T149, R67 [Munster]—John Aldred, H.M. Clark, Nils Gunvaldson, Pat O’Keefe, Christ Ramberget, Ole Skustad; T149, R66 [New Rockford]—Oscar Bauer, J.E. Bennett, O.H. Foster, Donald Niven, S.N. Putnam, J.W. Rager; T149, R65 [Sheldon]—W.G. Carter, E.R. Davidson; T149, R64 [Tiffany]—J.M. Ducke, C.A. Parker, John Schafer; T149, R63 [Lake Washington]—J.D. Carroll, Fred Dutee, John Setz; T149, R62 [Colvin; no names mentioned]; T148, R67 [Rosefield]—A.J. Ford, George Fugina; T148, R66 [Superior]—Joseph Christ, James G. Dailey, Fred Speck; T148, R65 [Pleasant Prairie]—tie vote among Charles Anderson, Martin Anderson, Gullick Gullicks, Christ Hanson, Ludvig Hanson, H.B. Johnson for three delegates; T148, R64 [Columbia]—A.H. Bailey, J.A. McCrum, Fred Topp; T148, R63 [Cherry Lake]—Even Horn, John W. Myers; T148, R62[Paradise]—Peter Erickson, Samuel Lyman, Orris E. Wood. Jamestown attorney John Knauf and A.C. Buck of Barlow were observers.

On May 7, a dark red yearling heifer with white spots, and a black steer, strayed from the H.J. Sylling farm four miles southwest of Sheyenne. Mrs. G.D. Murphy left for a visit in Minneapolis. That evening, Gullick Gullicks and Henry B. Johnson were in from southeast of town on business.

From May 7 to 11, Thomas Rader of Delano, Minn., visited his brother-in-law Dr. G.D. Murphy.

On Sunday, May 8, Mrs. John Swanson and her mother-in-law visited at the rural home of Mr. and Mrs. Axtle Johnson.

On May 9, Frank Woodward came down from Maddock for a few days’ visit. Herb Losee was in from Tiffany to visit, to do business, and to look for a horse that had strayed. Mrs. O.W. West came in from Esmond, where she had visited her daughter, and would visit in New Rockford before returning to her Ward County homestead. That evening, a fire alarm was sounded because it appeared that the Rodenberg and Schwoebel store was on fire, but it turned out to be steam escaping from an open valve in the front portion of the building.

On May 9 to 11, J.F. Gregory was in Carrington.

On May 10,J.M. Patch returned to his Indianapolis home after looking over his business interests. That evening, the Eastern Star Lodge met and initiated Major and Mrs. F.O. Getchell of Sheyenne and Mrs. C.W. Sewrey. A musical program, a stereopticon entertainment, and refreshments followed. Among those present from Sheyenne were Mr. and Mrs. K.L. Kermott, Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Lundin, Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Severtson, Dr. and Mrs. William Bartley, and Mrs. David Henry.

It rained all day on May 11. Mrs. A.C. Buck came up from Barlow to visit. Mrs. T.E. Lahart left for a visit to Minneapolis.

On May 12, a red heifer, white in forehead and white in both hind legs, soon to be fresh, strayed from the A.F. Prouty farm 4½ miles southwest of Tiffany. Dr. G.D. Murphy went to Carrington and accompanied Dr. Goss to Bordulac to assist him with a very serious medical case; he returned that evening. That evening, the ladies of St. John’s Catholic Church hosted a round of progressive whist with fifteen tables, in the Opera House. The event was well attended, with Mrs. G.W. Streeter and Mr. Hope Crawford winning the first prizes, and Mrs. George A. Brown and P.J. Shanahan taking the consolation prizes. [This was the first use of “St. John’s” as applied to the New Rockford Catholic Church in the “Transcript.”]

The May 13, 1904, “Transcript” said that Peter Prader’s garden was already displaying radishes and lettuce. H. Peoples and Co. had a carload of southern-grown millet for sale, along with German, Siberian, Early Fortune, and Japanese millet.

Mrs. E.H. Martin was still very sick.

Mrs. Agnes Ewals had added “a fine family carriage” to the equipment on her farm southeast of town.

May 13 was Arbor Day. Mary Carpenter arrived from St. Paul to visit her cousin Mrs. Elmer King, southwest of town. That afternoon, Valley City attorney Lee Combs and Judge Glaspell of Jamestown were in New Rockford on political matters. The West Side Kindergarten Whist Club met at the home of Mrs. Charles Pake. That evening, Rev. Thomas E. Green of Valley City lectured on “Our Country” in the Methodist Church; admission was 25 cents. Adam Forepaugh appeared at H.G. Hudson’s that evening.

On May 14, a 10 lb. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leota Hall northwest of town. At 1 p.m., the stockholders and members of the Farmers’ Elevator Company met in the court house to adopt by-laws. A.D. Tomlinson was the president and S.N. Putnam was the secretary. The judicial convention was held in Sheyenne, with chairman P.M. Mattson calling it to order. J.V.N. Sundberg was elected chairman and E.R. Davidson was named secretary. Delegates elected to the State Convention in Fargo were John Aldred, J.E. Bennett, L.B. Garnaas, George Gillette, H.B. Johnson, S.N. Putnam, Ole Rue, and D.B. Wellman. The delegates named to the Judicial Convention in Carrington were S.H. Bailey, J.E. Bennett, H.M. Clark, J.G. Dailey, E.R. Davidson, Thomas Eikom, Christ Remberget, and John Schaefer. Delegate Charles Engstrom of eastern Eddy County made the trip to Sheyenne via New Rockford.

From May 14 to 16, Master Harold Lundin of Sheyenne visited Master Charles Maddux in New Rockford.

On Sunday, May 15, Rev. Wilson of Louisville, Ky., who had arrived to be in charge of the Presbyterian congregation of Tiffany and Morris for the summer, preached at Morris at 11 a.m., and at Tiffany at 3 p.m. John VonAlmen visited in Carrington. That evening, there was a Layman’s Service in the Methodist Church. At 8 p.m., services were held in the Baptist Church with a “blackboard sermon” by Rev. C.F. Choate on “The Wandering Boy.”

On May 16, John Morris and his daughter were down from Minnewaukan to visit relatives. Nathan Flater was in from his home at Stavely, Alberta, Canada. Alice (Mrs. J.W.) Rager and A.G. Gardner went to Fargo to represent the Crocus Lodge at the Degree of Honor Grand Lodge and Rockford Lodge 46, at the Grand Lodge of the AOUW (Workman) Lodge respectively; they returned on May 19. That night, Clyde Gillette made his first trip from eastern Eddy County to New Rockford in two years.