Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
The Hunger Free Food Pantry is once again looking for donors to sponsor a child for the 2021-22 school year. The cost is $5 a week per child, so $95 for half a year or $190 for the full school year.
Last year they served 13 children each week. The kids take home a backpack of food on Fridays, and it provides them with light meals and snacks to supplement their meals over the weekend.
A few years ago as further outreach to hungry children, the Hunger Free Food Pantry started a ‘second helpings’ program. This fund pays for kids in the free and reduced bracket to receive a second helping at no charge.
Free and reduced kids need to pay for their seconds at the regular price, they are not free or at a reduced cost. Sometimes this is the only good meal children receive in their day.
The volunteers at the Hunger Free Food Pantry believe that when a child is fed, they are equipped to learn, grow and imagine a future filled with opportunity!
Donations can be given to Hunger Free Food Pantry at First Lutheran Church and marked as backpack sponsor and/or second helpings.