Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

The common good needs full support

To avoid the partisan recrimination that now permeates discussions, perhaps we need to go to a paradigm that gives us neutrality while stripping away the unreasonable passions of the day.

In our policymaking system, our nonpartisan dialogue can consider the endless debate between the common good and the private good.

The common good is policy that accrues well-being to society; the private good is the reservation of everything in the Bill of Rights (first Ten Amendments), plus the economic freedom to succeed.

Recognizing Common Good

The task confronting citizens is distinguishing the common good from the private good. This task involves boiling down differences until there is majority consensus in favor of either the common good or the private good.

This has to be done for national policy, state policy and local policy. At each level, we have competing ideas of what each good should manifest. As society becomes more diverse, the reconciling of the conflicts becomes more difficult.

When these conflicts appear on the ballot, citizens often fail to decide intelligently what should be common and what should be private.

Following the last two presidential elections, there was much discussion about upgrading the competence of the voters. Legislatures mandated that certain civic subjects be taught.

Not Enough Information

In North Dakota, voters are without enough information to vote for most state officials, most state legislators, and all judges. Most people have no idea of the duties and qualifications of candidates.

At one time, we had a "publicity pamphlet" that was sent to every voter in the state. Every candidate, for a nominal sum, could buy a page so voters would at least know who was running. Supporters and opponents of ballot issues were also eligible to buy a page. It leveled the playing field a little.

The publicity pamphlet was terminated in 1964 to save money. (If we want to run government on the cheap, we should elect dictators.)

Expanding Common Good

Back to the common good and the private good, American history teaches us that the common good has been expanding as the country became more diverse and humane. The depression of the 1930s determined that the common good needed Social Security to prevent poverty.

In World War II and subsequent conflicts, we thought the common good required military action to protect the security of the country against fascism and communism. Millions of Americans had to set aside the private good by surrendering their freedom to the draft.

Most decisions involving the common and private good have been made by a consensus of the president, Congress and the Supreme Court. Changes in the balance between the common and personal goods have been slow and arduous and required massive agreement.

Now Need 100%

While we have been able to alter the balance between the common good and the private good by a majority of the population, we are now confronted with the need for 100% consensus to end the COVID epidemic that threatens the health of every living person in America.

We are so accustomed to tolerating the divergent individualism that it is part of our culture, especially in North Dakota, where our pioneer legacy has been individualism. That's why North Dakota lags behind the rest of the nation in vaccinations.

More Viruses

Because the COVID has given way to Delta, we face the possibility that Delta will breed even more varieties of the virus. The threat to American health will continue unabated, perhaps become worse, with time. The damage to reproductive and other systems may be intergenerational.

To stop this pandemic, the common good requires 100% support. Less than that will maintain a breeding ground for the Delta virus - and unknown other viruses - and it will never end.

Are the citizens of North Dakota up to the challenge? Thus far, the signs are not encouraging.

Rendered 01/30/2025 17:29