Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Janet Laube was surprised Saturday when niece Robin and Scott Westall of Fargo stopped in for a visit. Then they drove to Devils Lake to see a son who was fishing on the lake.
Saturday, Ken and Marvis Holte had a chance meeting with Bob and Alice Norton at the Dollar General in Carrington and enjoyed a little family catch up.
Tuesday, Calvin Packard and mom Shirley drove to Carrington on errands and enjoyed lunch at the Hi-Way Drive In.
Friday, early evening, the Martin and Janelle Koepplin garage was the scene of a surprise 70th birthday party for Martin, whose birthday is Sept. 7. Family and friends put together a pot luck supper of grilled burgers and brauts, and a buffet of other goodies. Those bringing good wishes were Aaron and Danielle Koepplin, Kerigan, Carter, Chevelle and Hendrix; Todd and Karen Koepplin; Taylor and Amanda Koepplin and Evelyn; and Ross and Allyssa Lewis, Kenna and Grady. Also in attendance were Charlotte Koepplin, Don and Vicki Ystaas, Bill and Diana Ziegler, Jim and Fern Schuster, Gene Kaul, Vernon Schafer, Fred and Dianne Allmaras, and Carter and Mary Richter.
Sunday afternoon visitors at the Ken and Marvis Holte home were Jerrod and Angie Holte.
Ross and Allyssa Lewis, Kenna and Grady of Dickinson were weekend guests at the Todd and Karen Koepplin home. Family helped Allyssa celebrate her 28th birthday on Saturday, over supper at Todd and Karen’s.