Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News: Oct. 11, 2021

Margie Anderson was among those who attended the annual meeting of the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd on Sunday.

Charlotte Koepplin kept a therapy appointment on Thursday and afterwards drove out to James River Ag and took some pictures of Taylor Koepplin’s pumpkin patch, where a huge pumpkin was watching over the patch.

Monday, Sept. 27, Charlotte Koepplin was among those who called and wished Todd Koepplin a happy 52nd birthday.

Saturday and Sunday, Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor and supper guest at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home, where he visited with nieces Nikki and Noelle. Jimmy also drove to Jamestown Saturday and took in a car show, which he enjoyed very much.

Aaron Koepplin, Chevelle and Hendrix arrived at the Charlotte Koepplin home Saturday with a crock pot full of yummy chicken and rice hotdish to share for supper.

Margie Anderson’s brother Doug Cudworth visited her Saturday. All is well with Doug.

Wednesday, Karen Koepplin stopped briefly at the Charlotte Koepplin home.

Margie Anderson was among some gals who drove to Mayville recently, where they totally enjoyed a visit at the Carol Edinger home.

Sunday, Charlotte Koepplin joined other family members at the Martin Koepplin home for a good visit over a pigs in the blanket dinner, topped off with cream cheese dessert.

Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone call one afternoon from Carol Clancy of Thompson, N.D. The Clancys (Carol and Jerry) are fine.

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