"I'll trade you," Christian Nystrom, disguised as Scooby Doo, tells Vera Meadows, during the roller skating Halloween party at the Brown Memorial Friday.
Taylin Jacobson, Cambrie Thumb, Dylan Cudworth, Sadie Knatterud and Kensley Engels played a game at the Halloween Celebration in Sheyenne's Open Season Lodge on Sunday afternoon.
Minnie Mouse (Marilyn Anderson) hands out candy during the Trunk or Treat event on Sunday, organized by the New Rockford Lions Club.
Friday tipped off three days of Halloween fun in Eddy County this past weekend. Above, more than 60 local kids took a break in the skating action to take a photo in their costumes at the Brown Memorial in New Rockford. The auditorium is open for roller skating/blading most Fridays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Meah Gehrtz won Coolest Costume at the LAUNCH Halloween party at First Lutheran Church with her Estella costume from the movie Cruella.
Students in Sources of Strength went door to door and collected 1,215 non-perishable food items for the local food pantry on Halloween night. Students are shown at First Lutheran Church sorting items to be delivered to the food pantry.