Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Veteran caregiver recognized by Chamber

In August 1981, Donna Gedrose (née Gehrtz) made a decision – to stay home with her own children, and care for others' littles as well. Now 40 years later, she continues to work as the caregiver for her grandchildren and for other local families.

Gedrose was recognized as the Chamber's Employee of the Month for November.

Ryan and Laura Hager, parents of five children, are one of those families, and they nominated her for the award. They wrote, "She is compassionate, structured and organized. We feel extremely fortunate that our five children are loved and cared for by Donna.

"Donna cooks homemade meals, encourages creative play and limits television time, which are all things we appreciate," Hagers added.

"All the kids call me Nana," Gedrose said Friday. In fact, her oldest granddaughter, Sophie, will have open lunch at New Rockford-Sheyenne as a seventh grader next year, and she said she plans to come to her nana's for lunch every day. Sophie and her siblings are used to seeing their nana Donna each school day, as both their mom and dad, Dave and Tasha Skogen, work at the school.

"I'm thankful for the relationship I have with my children (and my grandchildren), because I've been here," Gedrose added. "I just hope that I've touched someone's life."

Clearly, she has, as evidenced by the glowing nomination form the Hagers sent to the Chamber. Todd and Renae Duchscherer, and their four children, are another local family that have "grown up" with Donna. She began caring for the Duchscherers' children when their oldest, Michelle, was one year old. The Duchscherer's youngest, Matthew, is now a senior at NR-S and will graduate in May.

Renae wrote a poem for Gedrose, which she cherishes.

The poem is reprinted at right.

The Hagers and Duchscherers represent nine of the hundreds of children who have spent their days at the Gedrose home over the past 40 years. Many of them now have children of their own.

"They just become part of my family," Gedrose said.

Gedrose was born in Grand Forks. Her parents lived in Larimore and Sheyenne for a short while before settling in New Rockford. She remembers going to daycare in New Rockford as a preschooler.

For the past five or six years, Gedrose has gotten a summer break along with her kiddos. All of the parents are teachers, so she has her summers off. "It's like a recess," Gedrose said, adding that the rest period allows her to recharge and get ready to resume her work during the school year.

Readers, do you know someone whose work makes your day better or your life easier? We want to hear about it! The New Rockford Area Chamber of Commerce sponsors this monthly award, and one person is recognized each month. To nominate an individual for this award, fill out the form online at and mail it to PO Box 67, New Rockford, ND 58356 or email your nomination to [email protected].

Dear Donna

Dear Donna, we thank you for the special care that you give

For many hours a week at your house, our kids live

We appreciate all the love that you share,

and we can tell by their smiles, just how much you care

I know that our kids are at times, less than charming

but you continue to refer to them at Donna's Darlings

It is so much easier to leave my kids when I don't wanna

when my one-year-old wakes up, smiles and says 'Go to Nonna's?'

So much of what they know, we attribute to you.

Dear Donna, we appreciate all the special things that you do.

All the cute rhymes and stories they come home and repeat,

I know one day to their own kids they will teach.

You treat each child with such love and patience.

We parents are truly grateful, for this agent God has sent.

And I know that when each child has grown

and gone their separate ways

I know in their hearts, they will always cherish

their wonderful Donna Days!

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