Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Oberon School is fortunate to have a very talented paraprofessional, Ms. Olson, on staff. Ms. Olson went to each classroom recently, and told the students stories of her childhood memories and heritage to help celebrate Indigenous People's Week.
Ms. Olson brought a jingle dress to show the students. The dress provided many cherished traditions and sparked ideas. The dress shows the importance of carrying on traditional dancing at pow-wows. Jingle dress dancers deliver the sounds of thousands of prayers rising in rhythm from the jingles as the dancer brings healing to their people.
Ms. Olson brought several star quilts and explained to the students the significance of the colors and the points on the star. Every part of the star quilt holds a story of tradition and memory. The Morning Star inspires the star quilt. It is the last and brightest star in the eastern horizon before dawn.
The students were engaged in the presentation, offering their own stories of their pow-wow attendances and memories of other Native American traditions.
Oberon School is fortunate to have such a valuable resource on staff, and the students were blessed to get to know Ms. Olson a little better and learn more about their unique culture. Ms. Olson emphasized the importance of carrying on traditions and ceremonies.
"Grown men can learn from very little children, for the hearts of the little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss." - Unknown.