Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Thursday, Karen Koepplin brought a treat of pigs in the blanket to the Charlotte Koepplin home and Martin Koepplin dropped off some mighty tasty turkey rice soup.
Sunday found Martin Koepplin pushing snow at the Charlotte Koepplin home and bringing ham, cabbage and rice soup.
Sunday, Margie Anderson was pleased to have a visit from Laura Hager and a plate of fresh baked Christmas cookies.
Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone call with nephew Aaron Koepplin on Thursday evening.
Thursday afternoon Pastor Richard Biberdorg was a visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home taking care of church business, and visiting with ElleMae Neumiller at the Lutheran Home later.
Saturday, the Flower Scent-R delivered a beautiful soft cream and green sparkly poinsettia, and an evergreen-loaded red pickup to Charlotte Koepplin from nephew Aaron and Danielle Koepplin and family.