Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Resources for Veterans: Jan. 17, 2022

Did you know...

Veterans Administration (VA) provides burial and memorial services to Veterans at no charge to honor their service to the nation?

Spouses and children may also receive these services.

With new VA national, state, and tribal cemeteries opening soon, almost every eligible Veteran will have a VA burial option within a reasonable drive from home.

VA Serves Veterans

VA takes special care to pay lasting tribute to the memory of Veterans who served and sacrificed, and that of their families. VA meticulously maintains more than 135 VA national cemeteries in 39 states and is adding new sites to accommodate Veterans and loved ones in their time of need. VA memorial benefits may include the following services:

• VA national cemetery burials. For eligible Veterans and loved ones, VA national cemetery burials involve the opening and closing of the gravesite, inscribed headstones or markers, a burial flag, award of the Presidential Memorial Certificate, and perpetual care of the gravesite.

• Casket or cremation burials. VA national cemeteries can provide services for traditional casket and cremation burials.

• Private cemetery burials and allowances. VA may accord eligible Veterans and family members who elect to hold private cemetery burials with memorial benefits that include headstones, markers or medallions to mark the gravesite, a burial flag and a Presidential Memorial Certificate. VA may also provide burial allowances toward a family’s burial and funeral costs.

To find out more information contact Julie Shrock, Eddy County Veterans Service Officer at (701) 947-5314 Extension 0, or email [email protected]