Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Earth Day is not just a day... It's a way

A way to be, a way to think and a way to live everyday, unless you plan to move to another planet.

It is acknowledged and celebrated Friday, April 22 each year and like the song from around the first Earth Day of 1970 "In the year 2525" by Zager and Evans; 1969 ... "we've taken everything this old earth can give and we ain't put back nothin'." I ask you, all of you, to Google this song of over 50 years ago and listen to every word of it until it finishes.

Following that, have a little visit with yourself about any thoughts that came to your mind and then visit with someone else about it.

There are numerous updated statistics about recycling , restoring and reusing, which I have been reading through so many that I'm going to need new glasses. However, I know they are out there so please check them out for your own education. One of my concerns is as individuals we are becoming complacent with the strides corporations and factories have made in air pollution and I'm seeing that individuals are not doing as much as they could be. It also seems that the generations that followed mine do not seem to be aware, particularly interested and/or definitely not practicing environmental responsibility. (I know some of you do so no need to take offense). I'm even wondering if school children do community litter pickups anymore like they used to. It's also surprising that there are schools who have no recycling set up in their own buildings! Hey, you ought to be leading the way in environmental responsibility by being active in it through your own modeling. If beverages in plastic bottles aren't allowed, check out the cardboard and catalogs that come in.

My concern has grown as throughout the years I have done my own random surveys asking a grocery clerk, receptionist, law enforcement, mechanic, restaurant server, random public individuals anywhere I go if he/she knows when Earth Day is and if they do, then ask what they do throughout the year for it. (Besides sort their garbage for curbside pickup, but God bless those who do that and the local decision makers who have their cities provide that service).

The result of this has left me in disbelief from too many responses being: "What's Earth Day?"

I realize those who do not have curbside pickup will have to work a little harder setting up bins and your own system, but it can be done and many out in our rural areas and small communities are doing that extra work. Farmers have always done it with saving parts to use in another way, composting wet garbage to use in the garden and reusing jars and many other containers.

Recycling takes up space, it is extra work and if you ask the Earth, it's a lot more.

*I am pleading to all who read this to please do something extra this year and remember we are borrowing this planet from our children.

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