Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

First-year math teacher resigns

Jake Bilden, a high school math teacher, coach for junior high football and head coach of the SNR Black Sox baseball team, has submitted a letter of resignation to the NR-S School Board, the fourth NR-S faculty member to do so this year.

At their regular meeting on Monday, May 9, the NR-S School Board reluctantly carried a motion to approve the resignation.

In his letter of resignation, Bilden writes, “It is never easy to make tough decisions, decisions that you know are sending you in the right direction but leaving behind a path that was bright and full of great experiences.

“As I write this, I am thinking of all the wonderful relationships and memories I’ve made over the last year here in the New Rockford Community. The personal connections I’ve made have enlightened my life and will be taken with me wherever I go.”

Bilden joined the NR-S School District at the start of the 2021-22 school year after graduating from Mayville State University with degrees in math and physical education.

Bilden says he has no regrets about choosing to begin his career here in New Rockford, and has particularly enjoyed coaching and competing.

“There is no better way to make and develop relationships with students than on a competitive stage,” writes Bilden. “We were able to laugh together, work hard together and strive towards a common goal to get better each and every way.”

He added, “These experiences and memories were the highlight of my year and was always my favorite part of each day.”

Every board member in attendance expressed reluctance in letting Bilden go, so much so that an inquiry was made about what would happen if the board denied his request for resignation. Ultimately, however, the motion was carried and the board wished Bilden well in his future endeavors.

Afterwards, Superintendent Jill Louters outlined two plans for covering Bilden’s departure: “Plan A” is to hire someone new to fill the position, and “Plan B” would be to have Math/Technology Coordinator Kent Brown pick up an overload to teach math.

However, High School Principal Avolt Baumbach cautioned that Plan B would result in losing two computer science classes.

In other news from Monday’s school board meeting, board members approved a first reading of Policy FFH, a.k.a the new dress code policy proposed by Student Representative Amzi Meier.

As it currently reads, the proposed policy would still prohibit articles of clothing that reveal cleavage, midriff or undergarments, and gives administrators discretion to prohibit any article of clothing “when the type of dress constitutes a health or safety hazard or when the appearance disrupts classes or school activities.”

However, what stands out most about the proposed policy is what’s not included. The policy has zero language that prohibits the wearing of hats, or limits the wearing of hats to one day of the week.

School personnel would still have discretion to determine which hats are appropriate and which aren’t, but if a second reading of the policy is approved, students would be able to wear hats whenever and wherever they please next school year.

Meier told the board on Monday that he’d spoken to a number of teachers in recent weeks, and all but a couple said they’d be okay with hats being allowed. Teachers also said, according to Meier, that they don’t want discretion to allow or disallow hats in their respective classrooms.

“They want the policy to back them up,” said Meier.

Mike Schaefer and Alyson Myhre both expressed their support for allowing hats at Monday’s meeting, while Patti Larson reiterated her desire to see the hat policy remain unchanged. However, when the time came to vote on the first reading, none voted against it. School board members Todd Allmaras, Travis Benson and Mike Jacobson were not in attendance.

A second reading must be approved by the board before Policy FFH is adopted by the NR-S School District.

The school board also approved an out of state trip to Portland, Maine for four staff members.

The Summary of Proposed Action states, “Four staff members have requested an opportunity to attend the Mass Customized Learning Conference in Portland, Maine, July 27 and 28. The conference is entitled ‘Inspiring Transformational Shifts to Accelerate Customized Learning.’”

The projected $6,500 cost of the trip will be paid for through the partnership grant the district has with the Lindsay Unified School District.

The school board also approved an out of state travel request from Pat Rinde, for a parent to chaperone Rikka Gudmunson at the FBLA National Convention in Chicago, Illinois.

Before adjourning, Superintendent Louters presented the district’s long range strategic plan, and the board announced that school board elections have been scheduled for Tuesday, June 7.

The next regular school board meeting will therefore be pushed to Monday, June 20 at 7:00 p.m., in order to hold the canvassing of election results.