Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

History of New Rockford: May 23, 2022

To continue from last week: On Jan. 16, 1905, W.C. Hayes died. He was born in New York State and lived in Pennsylvania 10 years before moving to Dakota Territory in 1882, arriving at Bartlett via the Great Northern Railway. He traveled across country to the southwest and homesteaded on land near Tiffany, where he resided until the previous three or four years when he lived in New Rockford. [He was the court house janitor from at least 1901-Nov. 1904]. He was a Mason and had joined the AOUW Lodge in Pennsylvania. He carried a $2,000 AOUW life insurance policy.

The Knights Templar Lodge attended the funeral in uniform and the Masonic Blue Lodge and Masons from Carrington (T.N. Putnam, P.S. Chaffee, F.A. Cousins, James Ridgeway, and R.D. Lemert) and Sheyenne (Major F.O. Getchell, F.L. Kermott, A.H. Johnson, Dr. William Bartley, and Peter Nelson) dressed in their regalia. The members of the AOUW attended also. The body was escorted from the residence to the church by the Masons with a special guard made up of the Knights Templar. The church was too crowded to accommodate all those who wished to pay their final respects. The Masonic ceremony also included music by a Masons’ Quartette. The Masons escorted the body to the cemetery north of town and performed the Masonic rites at the graveside.

On Jan. 16, Miss Sarah West of New Rockford was the guest of Mrs. A.C. Buck in Barlow. S.G. Severtson of Sheyenne returned from the Masonic Shrine meeting.

On the morning of Jan. 17, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alva Tomlinson; she was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Pottner and family were in shopping. Mr. and Mrs. H.P Halverson left for a visit at their old home in Minnesota. National Bank Examiner George A. Silsby examined the records of the First National Bank and found everything in “excellent shape.” That evening, around a couple dozen young friends of Miss Fena Carlson surprised her with a 15th birthday party with music, games, and refreshments. At 8 p.m., Rev. E.W. Burleson conducted Episcopal services in the Methodist Church.

On Jan. 18, John Knox of eastern Eddy County and J.F. Grandstaff, who worked on the Ed Stitzel farm, came in on business. At noon Miss Nettie Jensen, who had lived in New Rockford for several years, and John Torrison of Thief River Falls, Minn., were married in the Congregational Church at the bride’s home town of Oberon; the couple left immediately for Thief River Falls, where they would live. That evening, Hans Anderson appeared in the play “The Man from Sweden” at the Opera House; Frank Greitl and Nyles Tolle of Barlow attended. That night a fire in Fessenden burned out seven businesses, including the confectionary shop of former New Rockford resident Walter Immel.

On Jan. 19, Dr. Charles MacLachlan was in Barlow a few hours.

The Jan. 20, 1905, “Transcript” stated that the Alliance Hail Association had held its annual meeting recently at its home office in Jamestown. H.M. Clark of Eddy County was elected to the Board of Directors.

Mrs. W.C. Hayes, Mrs. Georgia Shannon, and J.M. Shannon had a Card of Thanks to their friends and to the Fraternal Orders who had given kindness, assistance, and flowers during their recent bereavement.

An ad: F.R. Patterson, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Office at Buck & Couch’s Drug Store; residence over the post office.

T.F. Huff had taken up at his farm 9½ miles southeast of New Rockford one red yearling heifer calf with a white face and small horns; the owner could have it by paying charges.

There was a report that the students of Phillips Academy had gotten so involved in class rivalries that Principal Aldrich had to call an assembly to remind the students that rowdyism and hazing would not be tolerated.

The Treasurer’s Report from Plainview School District #14, Martin Anderson, president; W.J. Morris, treasurer, for July 1, 1903-June 30, 1904, showed expenditures of $682.48, with teachers’ wages amounting to $450.

Postmaster M.F. Kepner had added 69 new combination boxes to the post office.

The City Hotel in Barlow had changed hands, with Mrs. Becker and Miss Hysar of Valley City taking over.

Mrs. Anna Whiteman was recovering after 10 days of illness. Mrs. Will Carroll, who had been staying with Mrs. W.O. Baird, had been ill several days, but was improving. Mrs. William Wilson, who had an appendectomy some time before, had a relapse in her recovery because “…the nurse allowed her to get up too soon….”

Miss Margaret Buck of Barlow had been visiting Miss Sarah West much of the week. A note said that A.J. Ford was enjoying his eastern trip, despite the cold weather; he returned on Feb. 3. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Richter of Sheyenne were enjoying the “balmy atmosphere” of Los Angeles in the wintertime. Alonzo Neutzel was visiting at his former home in Indianapolis and would remain until the spring.

Dr. and Mrs. G.D. Murphy had moved into the former residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pake on Stimson Avenue West.

The previous week, Mr. and Mrs. Olof Lundquist had returned from their holidays with her parents in Valley City, and Mrs. Peter Prader returned from her visit in Wisconsin. Also the previous week, Bert Newport bought the pool and billiard hall from B.M. Leonard.

On Jan. 20, Fred Zimmerman and Barney Engberg were in on business and to visit. Miss Josephine Baremore arrived from Mankato, Minn., to help care for her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Baremore, who was ill northeast of town. That evening, J.J. Anderson was in from Freeborn on business and to visit. Also that evening there was a masquerade ball at Brown’s Opera House with music by the New Rockford Orchestra and supper at the Hotel Brown; dance tickets, $1; supper tickets, 75 cents per couple; spectator’s tickets, 25 cents. There was a wide variety of costumes. A.E. Swanson and Frank Greitl of Barlow attended.

The contents of the Gerlach & Heintz general store in Barlow was put up for auction at 2 p.m. Jan. 21 and the sale was continued every afternoon until everything was sold. On that day, Henry and Leonard Ewald [Ewals?] were visiting in New Rockford. Nick Lies, from west of New Rockford, and Peter Berglund, from the Sheyenne Valley, were in on business. Charles Reutenik came down from Esmond for a visit with his father and sister. John Seckinger returned from his eastern trip. That evening, a number of the Phillips Academy students went to Barlow for a meeting of the Barlow Literary Society.

From Jan. 21 to 24, Dr. and Mrs. Charles MacLachlan were in St. Paul. From Jan. 22 to 23, Miss Harriet Lake of Carrington visited her parents on the George J. Schwoebel farm. From Jan. 24 to 26, Miss Norah Kennedy visited in Barlow.

On Jan. 23, J.N. Kunkel’s father came in from Bismarck for a visit.

On Jan. 24, Dr. Charles MacLachlan made a professional visit to Barlow. Miss Elizabeth Trainor left for a visit with her brother at Velva. W.C. Schwoebel and George J. Schwoebel left to visit relatives in Fountain City, Wisc.