Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Oberon Oracles: May 23, 2022

Todd, Nadley and Beau Buehler traveled to Valley City for the baptism of Hendrick Thomas Buehler, son of Hunter and Grace Buehler.

Baptism took place at St. Catherine’s Church in Valley City. Elisa and Joe Wentz also attended. The family celebrated with lunch and cake after the service.

Randy Simon and Dave Kenner visited Todd Buehler last week.

Sunday evening, Beau, Bria, Brittin and Brooks shared supper with Todd and Nadley, Hunter, Grace and Hendrick at the Buehler farm.

Johnny Grann finished his freshman year of college and is home for two weeks.

Lacey Grann went to the Killdeer area for the weekend to help some ranchers with their branding.

John and Donna Grann gave Bobbi and Emersyn Olson a ride to the airport in Bismarck on Saturday so they could return to Stephenville, Texas.

Lester Roberts‘ deviled eggs were shared with others, but he said that no one came back for seconds, so he’s not sure if they were as good as he thought.

On Sunday, Lester attended the Syttende Mai celebration in Maddock. He enjoyed the meal, visiting with old friends that he has not seen for awhile and the parade of the bunads (Norwegian dresses that depict the area that their relatives came from in Norway). On his way home, he stopped by to visit Craig and Sandy Poulsen.

Randy and Charlotte Simon spent the weekend in Fargo. On Saturday, they bowled at the new Kingpins Center with Elin and Max Thompson, Miles and Mason Simon and Tessa and Mark Simon.

On Sunday, they attended Mason and Miles’ soccer game. They returned home Sunday evening.

Doris Griffin reports that there were four goslings in the nest mentioned last week. They have been swimming in the duck pond. One day, only three goslings returned to the barn with mom and dad. Three days later, the missing gosling also returned to the barn with its family.

The lone turkey gobbler is back for a visit. He has been strutting around, fanning his tail feathers and gobbling. It seems that he is trying to romance the guinea hens.

All the geese have been surrounding the goslings while the turkey is around.

Dave Madson kept a medical appointment in Devils Lake on Thursday.

Saturday evening, Dave and Linda and Melodie, Kennedee and McKenzee Madson and Paul Prince celebrated Carrie Prince’s birthday with supper at the View at the Spirit Lake Casino.

Sunday afternoon, Dave and Linda and Lezlee Thorson were coffee guests at Melodie’s home. Kennedee and McKenzee attended the Just For Kix dance recital at the college.

Quote: “Life is very short. Insecurity is a waste of time.” Diane Von Furstenberg

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