Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: May 23, 2022

Awhile back, I heard an explanation of the old adage, “Still waters run deep.” Deep waters remain rather consistent and calm because of their great depth. Meanwhile, the surface is always changing, depending on the wind and the season. The surface can be very smooth and calm at one moment, and rough and choppy the next. At the same time, in the deep waters, things remain relatively peaceful and unaffected by the ever-changing surface. This is applicable for deep lakes and oceans; it is also analogous to the spiritual life. The deeper our friendship with Jesus, the more stable our lives become. Jesus desires to give us supernatural faith to live a deep spiritual life in him. He desires us to have a profound interior peace and be undisturbed by the troublesome winds of the world. Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid,” (John 14:27). Jesus distinguishes his peace from the world’s peace. The world’s peace is like the surface of a lake or sea. As long as there are no storms and only gentle breezes, then there will be peace in the world. However, once some disturbance comes, those whose inner peace is dependent only upon the circumstantial worldly peace, will find themselves disturbed and with less peace. Jesus desires that we have depth in him, knowing our God given dignity and knowing that he is in control; he is working for our good in all things and he desires our trust. If we live deeply in Christ, then we will be less upset by the circumstantial and ordinary troubles of the day. Jesus wants us in his peace regardless of the circumstances around us. Let us seek him knowing that he seeks to give himself and his peace to us more than we could ever desire it.