Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: June 13, 2022

Sunday visitors and dinner guests at the Ken and Marvis Holte home were Loren and Amber Holte and McKenzie from Bismarck. They had taken in the car show in Devils Lake and visited with sister Fayette Nelson. Amanda Bickett stopped in to visit brother, Loren, and all and enjoyed a chat over cake.

Tuesday found Calvin Packard taking mom, Shirley, to a medical appointment in Carrington and Wednesday and Friday chiropractic appointments in New Rockford. Shirley is doing a lot better. She and Calvin picked up flowers from family graves at Prairie Home Cemetery later Friday.

Eloise Lucht had good news following an eye appointment in Minot Tuesday.

Janet Laube enjoyed phone calls with sister-in-law, Lois Ockert, and grandson, Travis Laube, this week. Both are from Fargo. Lois is happy with a new four-legged friend, Jack Dogg.

Ken and Marvis Holte picked flowers up from family graves at Prairie Home Cemetery one afternoon.

Those attending a Circle Trail Riders meeting on Monday evening at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Rob Lies, Nancy Ludwig, Tara Hansen, Bill and Diana Ziegler, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Duff and Sandy Settelmeyer, Katie Jorgensen, Harrison and Rynna, and Dianne Goebel. Final plans were made for the upcoming trail ride and annual raffle.

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