Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News: August 22, 2022

Saturday, brief visitors at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Todd Koepplin, Aaron Koepplin, Chevelle, and Russell.

Thursday, Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed a visit over supper at the home of Mervin Indergaard and Vicki Magill and dinner Friday at Andy and Ruth Braatens’ home.

Sunday, visitors at the Margie Anderson home were Kent and Shelly Rigsby of Jamestown and grandson Kasey and Brooks. Later, all drove out to the Peter and Patti Larson Ranch where they enjoyed seeing the cattle and horses and riding in a golf cart. Ending up with yummy grilled burgers for supper. Goodbyes were said to granddaughter, Joanna Larson and friend, Ian Gilley, who will be leaving soon for Sweden, where they will be attending grad school prior to college graduation.

Saturday, Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor at the Dennis and Fran Walen home and later Jimmy and Fran enjoyed dinner in Jamestown.

Janet Laube and YipYip were brief visitors at the Charlotte Koepplin home.

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