Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News: September 19, 2022

Jim Indergaard enjoyed a phone call from his sister Sharon Laxdal on Friday. Saturday, Jimmy and his sister Ruth Braaten took in a car show in Sykeston.

Nine were present at the Charlotte Koepplin home Tuesday evening as the Circle Trail Riders put the finishing touches on the coming up Fall Trail Ride the 24th and 25th at hosts Dale and Diane Rosenberg.

Thursday afternoon, visitors at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Ken and Marvis Holte. They enjoyed a lunch while visiting.

Jimmy Indergaard was a house guest at sister Sharon’s Friday. Saturday, Jim, Sharon, and friend Keith drove to Park River where they took in a machinery and threshing show.

Friday, brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Karen Koepplin.

Charlotte Koepplin drove to Carrington Tuesday morning for a medical appointment.