Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: September 26, 2022

 Shirley Packard had good news following an eye appointment in Fargo on Thursday. Linda Lies of Fargo came to the eye clinic and visited with Shirley.

 Wednesday, Ken and Marvis Holte were among the Young at Heart gathering at the Trinity Lutheran church in Carrington. They enjoyed the country guitar music of Brian Nelson, visiting and lunch.

 Shirley Packard did some necessary shopping around town via the transit bus one day and kept a medical appointment Tuesday in Carrington.

 Wednesday, Eloise Lucht was in Carrington on medical business.

 Janet Laube and Yip Yip enjoyed a chat with Lois Ockert and with grandson Travis Laube from Fargo one afternoon.

 Sunday, Candy Jensen enjoyed a visit with Cora Koepplin.

 Friday visitor at the Ken and Marvis Holte home was daughter Amanda Bickett.

 Calvin Packard was a helper at mom, Shirley Packards, Sunday afternoon.