Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News: Oct. 3, 2022

Last Thursday, Jimmy Indergaard and his sister Sharon Laxdal drove to Fargo where they took care of some business. That evening Ruth Braaten brought supper to the Indergaard home. They listened to the Carrington girls volleyball game.

Brief stoppers Thursday at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Aaron and Karen Koepplin.

Bob Longnecker of Minnesota was a house guest at the Eric and Lisa Longnecker home several days over the weekend. Bob visited other family and enjoyed being a teamster Saturday and Sunday during the Fall Ride of the Circle Trail Riders, Inc. He drove, Brent and Jenna Helseths team Bud and Beauty.

Saturday, Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed visiting with nieces Nikke and Noelle and supper at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home. He returned Sunday for dinner and more visiting.

Kathy Anderson and granddaughter Josslyn Hager enjoyed a visit at the Margie Anderson home one afternoon. Sunday, Patti Larson and Margie Anderson visited at the Dave and Karen Anderson home.

A week ago Sunday, Jimmy Indergaard and his sister Ruth Braaten took in the activities of the annual Steam Threshers reunion in New Rockford.

Saturday morning found Charlotte Koepplin checking out Circle Trail Riders’ fall campsite at hosts Dale and Diane Rosenbergs. It was a nice, sunny, crisp morning and day. Others from Pleasant Prairie township that enjoyed the ride were Cory and Katie Jorgensen and family, Tucker Longnecker and friends, Nancy Ludwig, and Sarah Ludwig and family.

Friday morning brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home was cousin Bob Longnecker from Mound, Minnesota.