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Sermonette: Oct. 3, 2022

“Martha, Martha, you are distracted by many things” (Luke 10:41).

Oof, if there is a convicting verse in Scripture, for me, this is it.

I am distracted. I am distracted by the busy-ness of my schedule, by being a parent, by being a daughter, by making sure everyone around me is well-fed and content, by cleaning up the messes my mistakes cause, etc, etc.

Distraction. Dis-traction. Great word: To lose traction. To spin our wheels and make no forward movement. To feel like we’re working and working (and working) to find nothing of value is truly getting done.

“[Insert your name here], you are distracted by many things.”

Jesus’ correction of Martha in this story is an act of love for her. He sees her. He knows she’s working, and caring, and spinning her wheels, and trying to make a difference. He knows what that’s like. Jesus seems to have spent some time distracted too: Off by himself to be alone for one minute, interrupted to feed multitudes the next. So he’s not chastising or shaming Martha (or me) when he tells her she’s distracted. He’s not telling us to not do the things we need to do to make life run smoothly, he’s challenging our focus off of ourselves and onto him.

What she’s doing isn’t working—she’s resentful and bitter and lonely. She needs to find traction, to just rest, to breathe, and to receive his love for her.

Jesus also knows what it’s like to put everyone else first, and to receive no acknowledgment or accolades. Not just no accolades, but actual backlash and violence because of the magnitude of his love for others.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, when you feel like you have no traction, when you feel resentful and anxious, when you aren’t getting what you are searching for from the people around you, the things you buy, or the Netflix shows you watch, you can trust that Jesus sees you. Even when you are distracted and don’t see him. Even when you know something should go one way, and it goes another. Even when you feel like no one is listening, Jesus sees you, is pouring his love into you.