Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Calvin Packard mowed and raked leaves for mom, Shirley, one afternoon.
Wednesday, Ken and Marvis Holte drove to Devils Lake and picked up daughter, Fayette Nelson. They did some shopping then returned to Fayette’s and enjoyed visiting over lunch.
Candy Jensen enjoyed a phone chat with son Derik Holte Sunday. Derik is doing fine in Minneapolis.
Janet Laube with the company of YipYip drove to Harvey Friday morning, where she had a medical appointment. They returned just before dinner with good news.
Thursday visitors at the Ken and Marvis Holte home were Cody and Amanda Bickett and Izzy. Friday, Ken and Marvis drove to Jamestown where Ken had an eye appointment. He is healing from recent cataract surgery and is looking forward to getting his other eye done.
Nephew Travis Laube and sister-in-law Lois Ockert called Janet Laube Sunday. They are doing fine.
Brief visitor Thursday at the Janet Laube home was Marjean Pfau.