Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

School board considers professional fundraiser for new gymnasium

The New Rockford-Sheyenne School Board spent much of their monthly meeting last Monday considering a professional fundraising firm to raise money for the second gym project.

The price tag for the project, while fluid, has ballooned since the gym was first considered. At their meeting on Jan. 9, board members acknowledged the project would likely cost more than $4 million.

The district has said all along, and maintains to this day, that taxes will not be raised to fund the project, and they intend to rely on private donations. However, only about $350,000 has been donated, leading some to believe that hiring a professional fundraiser is the project’s best chance of becoming reality.

The firm under consideration was Fargo-based Pace Fundraising. Managing partner, Shannon Schweigert, appeared in person to discuss his firm and its capabilities with the board.

Also in attendance were members of the Second Gym Committee, who had met with two professional fundraising firms in recent months. Ultimately, they chose to recommend Pace Fundraising to the school board.

Pace Fundraising has led multiple successful fundraising campaigns in the state. One of their most recent successes was the Cooperstown Medical Center, where they managed to raise around $3 million from a community of just over 900 residents.

NR-S Business Manager, Dave Skogen, reported to the board that when he contacted the Cooperstown Medical Center, they gave a “glowing” review of the services Pace Fundraising provided.

One thing Schweigert stressed during his presentation to the board was that, for any campaign, having a strong leadership team and getting a good start to build momentum is vital.

However, board member Mike Schaefer expressed some concern that, because NR-S attempted to raise the money without help from a professional firm, that getting a good start is now impossible.

Both Schweigert and members of the second gym committee assured Schaefer that despite previous attempts to raise money, they’re confident there’s still plenty more alumni as well as current and former residents who could be willing to donate.

Board members on the second gym committee, such as Deb Belquist, seemed convinced that Pace Fundraising, with their decades of experience raising money, are more than up to the task. Board president Mike Jacobson added that if even enough money isn’t raised to get everything they want, it wouldn’t be too late to alter the project and bring down the price tag.

With that, two motions were up for consideration, one to approve a request for funds, and another to approve the proposed contract with Pace Fundraising.

The contract with Pace Fundraising would cost the district $11,620 per month for 12 months, a total of $139,440.

If approved, the contract would be paid for using money already donated towards the project. The board was assured that donors had already been contacted, and had given their consent for money they donated to be put towards a contract with Pace Fundraising.

Despite some concerns, the board seemed willing to make the necessary motions to move forward with Pace Fundraising.

However, not in attendance last Monday were board members Eric Perleberg and Travis Benson. Jacobson suggested hearing from Perleberg and Benson before the board moves forward with such a big decision. A preliminary plan to hold a special meeting over Zoom was then agreed to, and the matter was tabled.

A special meeting via Zoom was later scheduled for Friday, Jan. 13, with only the second gym project and Pace Fundraising on the agenda. As the meeting was held after press time, the Transcript will provide an update on our website,, after the meeting.

Also at last Monday’s regular meeting, board members reactivated Feb. 17 and Feb. 20 on the school calendar as a result of days missed during the December blizzard. They also approved a field trip to Minneapolis for students of the Problems of Democracy and American History classes to see “Hamilton,” a musical theatre production about Alexander Hamilton and the founding of America.

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m.

Update: In a short special meeting via Zoom on Friday, Jan. 13, the NR-S board passed two motions. The first was to approve the $139,440 payable in 12 monthly installments to the NR-S fund board of directors, made by Travis Benson and seconded by Eric Perleberg. The second was to hire Pace Fundraising, made by Perleberg and seconded by Mike Schaefer. Both passed 4-1. Patti Larson voted against both motions.

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