Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed a phone call with his sister, Sharon Laxdal, Sunday and a visit with supper at his sister, Ruth, and Andy Braaten’s home. Last Sunday, niece Nikki Braaten was also a supper guest at Jimmy’s.
Tuesday, Charlotte Koepplin and Janet Laube were passengers on the South Central van to Harvey where they had medical appointments.
Monday evening, Charlotte Koepplin was host to the January meeting of the Circle Trail Riders, Inc. at her home. Those attending were President Cory, and Katie Jorgensen, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Bill and Diana Ziegler, Kim Brown, Tara Hansen, Brent Helseth and Dianne Goebel. Matters talked about were the upcoming family party, annual raffle, annual meeting and the June trail ride.
Margie Anderson joined other family for a yummy ham dinner on Sunday at the Gary and Kathy Anderson home.
Wednesday afternoon, Katie Jorgensen was a brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home.
Wednesday afternoon visitors at the Margie Anderson home were Jean Lessner, her daughter Jessie and granddaughter, Sophia. They’re from Houston, Texas.
Sunday afternoon, Charlotte Koepplin received a phone call from Eugene Weisenburger from his home in Mojave, Ariz. checking on the North Dakota weather and wishing Charlotte a belated holiday greeting. Eugene had just enjoyed a several day visit from Tim and Bobbie Jo Indergaard from good ole North Dakota. It was raining in Arizona.
The area extends sympathy to the family of Frank Davis.