Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sheyenne News: January 30, 2023

Patti Clifton spent Jan. 12 - 19 in Sun Prairie, Wisc., with daughter Jena and Rance Brown and their son Rowan. While there, Jena and Rance hosted a belated first birthday party for Rowan with Grandma Patti and friends of the family attending. Fun day! It was a great week, nice weather, with lots of visiting and playing with Rowan.

Friday evening, Jan Loe and Steph enjoyed supper and card playing at the neighbors.

Sunday morning, Bonnie Deegan and Jan Loe attended worship at Calvary Lutheran Church in Oberon. Following the worship service, Bonnie and Jan were in Minnewaukan where they enjoyed the American Legion breakfast.

Kudos to Sheyenne for becoming the 100th designated Main Street Initiative (MSI) community! MSI is a strategic initiative aimed at building healthy, vibrant communities with smart, efficient infrastructure to attract a 21st century workforce, with a strong focus on community involvement.

Last Friday afternoon, Patti Larson met with Emma Cook and Tracey Miller from the North Dakota Department of Commerce to discuss Sheyenne becoming a Main Street Initiative (MSI) community. MSI communities receive direct assistance for community planning and development, tailored support from participating state agencies, streamlined access to resources and learning opportunities and enhanced access to select state resources. Additionally, designated MSI communities may receive extra benefits on specified state grants.

“When Sheyenne is awarded grant money for significant community projects, it encourages our volunteers and city leaders to keep up the good work,” Patti added. “We really appreciate the support from the MSI staff.”

An organizational meeting for Sheyenne GRIT was held at the Sheyenne Senior Center on Sunday evening, Jan. 22. Named to the GRIT board of directors were Patti Larson, housing rehab/demo; Laurie Westby, business enhancement/investment; Tiffany Harr, marketing/Sheyenne brand; Joanna Larson, Ostby Hall/Events; Darci Joseph, Main Street upgrades; and Tara Hanson, playground/childcare/kid activities. From these members, Patti was named chair, Tiffany secretary, and Darci treasurer. GRIT meets regularly and community members are invited and encouraged to attend.

Jan Loe was among those who attended the GRIT meeting at the Sheyenne Senior Center on Sunday evening.

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