Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Stand for the Silent meeting Feb. 5

Stand for the Silent is coming to New Rockford. Local residents Maidie and Roger Enget, inspired by their own experience with their children and bullying, have taken the initiative to start a local chapter here in New Rockford.

“It’s to raise awareness, to educate, and just to provide support to kids that are dealing with bullying and even parents that are trying to help their kids and might be feeling helpless,” said Maidie Enget. “Because sometimes it’s difficult to get answers or just make the bullying stop.”

The chapter’s first meeting is at noon on Sunday, Feb. 5 at the Evangelical Free Church in New Rockford, and anyone interested is welcome to attend.

The afternoon’s agenda will include choosing an official name for the chapter, discussing what their mission will be, brainstorming various events they could do to educate the community as well as activities for kids where they won’t have to worry about bullying.

The local chapter has a Facebook page where local residents can keep up to date with what the group is doing, planning, or to simply read some inspirational messages. Those interested can find the page by searching “New Rockford, ND - Stand for the Silent.”

For more information on the national organization, Stand for the Silent, started by Kirk and Laura Smalley, visit