Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: Feb. 27, 2023

Matthew 3:13 – “The sower went out to sow.”

When we run across a familiar parable, a story we’ve heard many times over our lives, it’s fun to switch it up a bit. We always think of God as the sower. And this most definitely is true; God sows seeds in front of us and around us and behind us and in our hard hearts and where we least expect to see Him.

Might it also be true, at the same time, that we are sowers of seed? Teachers, parents and people who know and love small children certainly understand our role as sowers. They find joy and hope in sowing the small seeds, doing the small, day-to-day tasks of sowing seeds.

Think about a time someone has sowed a seed in you. They said just the right words at just the right time. And it happened exactly when you were ready to hear it, ready to learn it —and not a moment before.

Or when someone has said to you, “you told me exactly what I needed to hear today,” sometimes without even meaning to.

The sower in this story sows seed on all kinds of ground: rocky soil, weedy soil, dry, crusty soil, and fertile soil. God doesn’t discriminate onto whom He will plant seeds. God isn’t choosy about who He will choose. God is an abundant sower! By all our agricultural standards, The Sower would be foolish to “waste” all the good seed on terrible soil.

Not only is God sowing abundantly in every single area of your life, God is calling you to do the same for others. To pour your life into other people. To write notes to, to pray for, to encourage, to give hope to, to listen to, just be present for. You are called to sow seeds even in others who are annoying, or difficult, or hard to love.

And when you feel annoying or difficult or hard to love, you can know that God is planting love and hope and abundance in your heart. That there’s nothing you can do to stop God’s abundance for you.