Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Cuts to music staff at NR-S off table

New Rockford-Sheyenne School Board President, Mike Jacobson, has announced the district is no longer considering the reduction of a music position.

The potential of losing a music teacher had stirred strong emotions and generated spirited debate within the community and at subsequent school board meetings.

The option was presented along with other potential spending cuts after preliminary budget projections had the school’s expenses exceeding their 2023-24 revenue by more than $100,000.

Other options included no longer using East Central to house pre-K, reducing pay for district employees who drive buses and cutting a social studies position.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, April 4, Jacobson detailed the reason for the board’s decision:

“As we prepare for another storm of the century and Easter weekend, I wanted to make a statement regarding the NR-S School Board agenda for April 10.

“The administration and the board will continue to monitor the amount of students electing to enroll in music each year, however reducing a Music Position will not be on the agenda.

“23/24 Budget will also not be an agenda item. There are too many unknowns at this time...

• NR-S has several open staff positions

• Certified Staff Negotiations have not begun

• The state legislature has not finished it's session, which means the district is only using estimates for funding for the 2023-2024 school year.

“The school district is always working hard to ensure we are meeting the needs of the students as well as the community at large.

“Thanks everyone and I hope all have a Happy Easter.”

Agenda for the school board’s April 10 meeting is published at right.