Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News: April 17, 2023

Last Monday evening, the Circle Trail Riders met at the Charlotte Koepplin home for their April meeting. Those attending were president Cory Jorgensen, Tara Hanson, Bill and Diana Ziegler, Kim Brown and Charlotte. Things are coming together for the Annual June Trail Ride and Raffle.

Sunday evening visitors at the Margie Anderson home were David and Karen Anderson.

Last Saturday, Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor and supper guest at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home.

Last Monday morning, Todd and Charlotte Koepplin were on their way to Jamestown where Charlotte had a medical appointment. Todd took care of some farm business. They enjoyed a to-go lunch on the way home while they shot the breeze.

Margie Anderson and several family members attended Easter Sunday worship service at Kvernes Lutheran Church. All enjoyed a duet by grand- and great-grandchildren Josslyn and Jakoby Hager.

Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor and supper guest on Wednesday at the Mervin Indergaard and Vicki Magill home.

Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed Easter dinner with Aaron and Danielle Koepplin, Carter, Kerigan, Chevell and Hendrix at the Koepplin home in Carrington.