Amy Wobbema count
Casey Ystaas, Jace Ystaas and Brielle Dauenhauer take a break from all the fun in the grass.
Amy Wobbema count
Kathy Jacobson-Ryan and her mother, Lois Jacobson, were two of the many attendees at the annual Lifesavers in the Park event on Tuesday, August 8.
Amy Wobbema count
The bounce houses were a hit for children of all ages. Here, a young boy is shown taking a turn down the slide.
Amy Wobbema count
Community Ambulance Service of New Rockford EMR Karla Berglund shows two young boys how the cot gets loaded up into the CASNR rig.
Amy Wobbema count
Community Ambulance Service of New Rockford members Lyndsey Smith (left) and Liza Ystaas (right) were two of the many volunteers who helped with the annual Lifesavers in the Park event on Tuesday, August 8. Here, they are shown serving burgers and brats to attendees of the event.
Amy Wobbema count
Mike Schmid, aka The grill master was one of a few CASNR members grilling up burgers, brats and hot dogs for Lifesavers in the Park.