Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
by Michelle Gilley
NDSU Extension – Eddy County
I am Michelle Gilley, one of your local 4-H Extension Agents. National 4-H Week is October 1 to 7. To kick off the week, Eddy County 4-H held a food drive Sunday, Oct. 1 with donations going to the Hunger Free Food Pantry at First Lutheran Church in New Rockford.
If your door did not get tagged, feel free to drop off canned goods, boxed foods and other non-perishable items at the NDSU Extension – Eddy County Office at 205 3rd St SE from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday or from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday. Holiday-specific items include stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie filling and canned sweet potatoes or yams are encouraged.
We are also asking 4-Hers to participate in a National 4-H week Social Media Challenge. Please post daily pictures and tag with @EddyCounty4-H. The themes are: Selfie Sunday – share a selfie of yourself in your 4-H shirt; Role Model Monday – share a picture of your 4-H role model; Transformation Tuesday – share a picture of yourself as a young 4-Her; What’s Your Project Wednesday – share a picture of one of your 4-H projects; Throwback Thursday – share a picture of a favorite 4-H memory; Fair Friday – share a picture from fair; and Service Saturday – share a picture from a community service activity.
We are finishing up the week with a 4-H Shooting Sports Shoot-out Tournament at the Eddy County Rod and Gun Club on October 7.
I believe that 4-H is an excellent program for youth and volunteers to learn new skills and make a positive difference in their community now and in the future! For more information, please call the Eddy County Extension Office at 701-947-2454.
Happy 4-H Week!