Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Baron released on bond, investigation continues

After press time of the Dec. 4 edition, Midkota Superintendent Ryan Baron of Binford was released from jail on bond. The Griggs County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release shortly thereafter with an update on the case and the active investigation. The text of the press release is reprinted here, in its entirety.

“The Defendant Ryan Baron has bonded out of Barnes County Correctional Center and is currently not wanted by any law enforcement agency related to this incident. Defendant is under very strict bond conditions, which includes the Defendant is not allowed on any Midkota School Property or grounds. After continued investigation the Agencies involved feel, to the best of our knowledge and based on the evidence, we have collected at this point, there appears to be no activity of recording, photographing, or capturing of images of any local individuals.

“I want to assure the public, in particular the Students and Parents of the Midkota School District, this matter is being investigated at the highest levels and of the upmost importance.

“Further, we ask the public to allow the investigating agencies and entities involved to perform a complete and comprehensive investigation. Please refrain from receiving and sending non-verifiable information and opinions as this doesn't assist in our active investigation. Such actions do not promote public healing.

“Numerous Facebook posts, texts, and Snapchat Stories have circulated around our community, creating false narrative of the events. This activity affects the community in a deep and negative manner.

"As the investigation proceeds the agencies involved will release factual information and changes in the pending case as necessary.”

-Griggs County Sheriff Robert Hook

As reported in the Dec. 4 edition, Baron was charged with five counts of "possession of certain materials prohibited," each a Class C felony, on November 28. Baron’s initial appearance in the case is set for Tuesday, Dec. 26 at 9:30 a.m. in Griggs County. He will appear before Judge James Hovey. Baron is considered innocent unless proven guilty.