Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: Corn

So, here’s a hypothetical situation for you. Imagine the researchers at NDSU came up with a new type of corn seed. We’ll call it corn seed X. Now, what makes corn seed X so incredible is that it can survive the frigid North Dakota winters. Not only survive, but be able to produce. Instead of planting in the spring, and getting a harvest in the fall; one can plant corn seed X in the spring, get an average harvest in the fall, and then it will also produce all the way through the next year. And all the years that follow. Plant once, and then harvest the same field forever after without ever having to replant. The best part is that at some point, the field will produce an amazing harvest. Something in the area of 300 bushel an acre production. The NDSU researchers aren’t sure when this amazing year will happen, but they are absolutely positive it will happen at some point. What’s truly surprising is that corn seed X doesn’t cost any more than regular seed. Because of government subsidies and research grants, corn seed X’s price is comparable to regular seed. So, the question is, which one would you plant? Would you plant the corn seed that might produce more the first year but have to be replanted every single year to follow? Or would you plant the seed that you plant once, and get solid harvests forever after with the guarantee that at some point you’ll get a mind-blowing harvest? Obviously, anybody with half a brain is going to invest in the seed that will lead to the greater pay out!

And yet, when it comes to our time, we buy the seed that doesn’t produce. We spend our time and resources watching TV, playing video games and having useless conversations. In 1 Timothy 4:7-8 we find Paul instructing Timothy to train himself to be godly. Paul specifically tells Timothy to avoid godless myths (fictional stories about Zeus, Hercules, etc.), old wives’ tales (bed time stories or tall tales) and physical training. These things, Paul states, may have value, but that value is entirely limited to only this life. They have absolutely no impact in the next life. Now, Paul picks on stories and physical training; but I am certain that Paul would be comfortable with TV, internet, video games and pointless coffee banter being added to the list. These things may have a little value, but what value will they have in the next life? Nothing. After judgment, no one will care how much TV we watched, or how many times we checked our Facebook, or how many times we talked about the weather or government. The time we spent on these things will have been 100 percent wasted.

As opposed to spiritual training – every moment we spend reading the Bible, discussing the Bible, or being a part of any sort of spiritual study will have pay back in this life, and the next life. After judgment, how many times we read our Bible and prayed will produce results. I’d be lying if I told you exactly how it will benefit us; all I know it that Paul promises it in 1 Timothy 4:8. So, let’s buy corn seed X. Let’s invest our time and resources doing things that will give us the greatest payout; in this life and the next.