Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

History of New Rockford: Feb. 5, 2024

The hunting season began on Sept. 1, 1906; 44 local hunters had gotten their licenses. On that day, James E. Renfrew came in on business. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hylton went to St. Paul, where Mrs. Hylton would consult an eye specialist; they returned on Sept. 8, encouraged by a prognosis for a complete recovery. Sheriff George F. Fahrer and William Farley left for the Minnesota State Fair, which Mr. Hylton would also attend. Mr. and Mrs. William Milne, Jr., of Sheyenne left for the Minnesota State Fair; Mr. Milne was also shipping two carloads of fine beef cattle to the South St. Paul market.

That afternoon, Dr. Charles MacLachlan was attempting to break a very valuable high-strung yearling colt to drive when the animal reared, threw itself backward, and broke its neck.

On Sunday, Sept. 2, Phillips Academy principal L.J. Aldrich preached both morning and evening in the Congregational Church in McHenry. That evening, James E. Hyde went out to the George Pincott ranch and the next day Pincott and Hyde went hunting. On the evening of Sept. 4, they returned to town with the birds the two had shot – 106. [Most were probably prairie chickens.]

On the morning of Sept. 3, M.E. Williams of Minneapolis helped open the drug store in which he was a partner, having purchased the interest of C.H. Babcock the previous week. Babcock & Bucklin was renamed Bucklin, Williams & Company. Williams was a registered pharmacist with sixteen years’ experience. Babcock was planning on going to Chicago to study medicine. That morning, Jake Labadie was pulling out the pieces of a pitch fork that had accidentally been thrown into the self-feeder of a threshing machine when a leakage of steam into the cylinder started the steam engine and the band-cutting knives cut his head and shoulders. He was immediately brought into town, where Dr. J.A. Carter dressed the wounds, putting seven stitches in one of them. Miss Mae O’Connell came in from Fessenden and prepared to leave for Sheyenne, where she would teach a country school that fall. Mrs. May Keime and her daughters, Misses Wanda and Mildred, left for Jamestown where the young ladies would attend school. A.C. Jones left for Fergus Falls, where he would be a grain buyer for the Hall Grain Co. Lumberman L.E. Weaver left on a business trip to the Twin Cities and a pleasure trip to his old home at Algona, Iowa; he returned on Sept. 8. That evening, telephone company proprietor H.W. Wilson drove home from his visit to Wimbledon.

On Sept. 4, Jacob Valer came in on business. Rudolph Feige, who had rented the Clayton Hall farm, came in on business. P.J. Nopp of Minnewaukan visited with tailor H. Tyler and did some business. Verne and Edwin Wiltsie came home from Garrison, where they had spent the summer. That afternoon, Frank Fahrer and Dr. Charles McNamara came up from Barlow on business and to visit. J.R. Engberg was also in on business from his Barlow farm. Kenneth Cole left for Lake City, Minn., to enter school there. Mrs. G.W. McDonell left for Valley City, where she would visit before going on to the Twin Cities for medical help for her throat. On that day, in the contest sponsored by St. John’s Academy in Jamestown, Miss Anna Mary Allmaras of New Rockford was in 12th place (out of 18) with 240 pts. The leader had 1087½ pts.

Reports on Sept. 4 showed the following:

The First National Bank of New Rockford, James E. Hyde, cashier, showed resources (assets) of $84,484.01, up $33.41 from the $84,450.60 of June 18. Checking accounts were $13,130.76, down $2950.14 from the $16,080.90 of June 18.

The Bank of New Rockford, Assistant Cashier P.J. Braman, had resources (assets) of $208,135.16, up $9017.96 from the $199,117.20, of June 18. Checking accounts amounted to $83,527.61, up $2550.42 from the $80,977.19 of June 18.

The Farmers and Merchants Bank, E.R. Davidson, cashier, had resources (assets) of $38,566.02, up $20,505.41 from the $18,060.61 of June 18. Checking accounts amounted to $14,810.77, up $9263.16 from the $5547.61 of June 18.

On Sept. 5, Charles H. Maddux arrived from St. Paul to visit and to hunt prairie chickens and waterfowl; he returned on Sept. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brockheim of New York City arrived to visit relatives and friends in New Rockford and Sheyenne; they left for home on Sept. 24. Watchmaker W. Goodell came in from St. Paul to work in the repair department of the J.N. Kunkel Jewelry. Harry Couch went to Bismarck to help his parents move to Linton; he returned from Linton on Sept. 11. That evening, Miss Sarah West went to Sheyenne to visit Mrs. E. McLean; she returned the next day.

On Sept. 6, the “Transcript” interviewed a manager of a threshing outfit and learned there were a number of transients in town who would not go to work for less than $3 a day. The farmers were paying $2.75 plus board, so there was a standoff. The paper recommended that anyone who was unwilling to work for the lower wage should be told to move to a different area. M.R. Davis, the leader of the Sheyenne Band, and C.C. Lyford were in on business. Miss Jet Richter came down from Sheyenne to visit. That evening, the members of the L.T.L. [?] enjoyed a lawn party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Priest. Also that evening, J.N. Kunkel went to Sheyenne on business, returning the next day.

The Sept. 7, 1906, “Transcript” had an ad for the Bucklin, Williams Co. which offered paint and wallpaper remnants at close-out prices. M.E. Williams had a notice in that issue explaining that he had purchased an interest in the Babcock & Bucklin drug store and invited the public to stop in and meet him. E.S. Severtson had a five-room house and four lots for sale. P.H. West had two spring calves for sale. Andrew L. Jermo was the local agent for “Cream of Fresh Lemons,” which could be used as a face cream by the ladies and an after-shaving cream by the gentlemen. A.M. Greely was attempting to interest residents in planting the “Missing Link,” an apple developed in Illinois; Greely had samples and would quote prices.

Valentine Fertig had a young crabapple tree in his front yard, but it still produced a large number of apples.

That issue said that 35 carloads of wheat had already been shipped out of New Rockford.

During the week, James DeVitt, a Minnewaukan butcher, was in town and bought a carload of hogs from H.H. Miller. For several days Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Downing of Belvidere, Ill., were in town; he was looking after real estate interests.

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