Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
The annual New Rockford Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship was held on Sunday, Jan. 28 in the New Rockford-Sheyenne gymnasium. This contest was sponsored by the New Rockford Knights of Columbus Council #2477.
A total of 20 youth participated in the contest. Of those, 11 were named free-throw champs at the local division. They are Leah Steele, age 9 girls; Kalleigh Engels, age 10 girls; Liza Steele, age 11 girls; Isla Jacobson, age 12 girls; Camebria Engels, age 13 girls; Madison Hultgren, age 14 girls; Jack Skogen, age 10 boys; Bryce Yri, age 11 boys; Miles Peterson, age 12 boys; Evan Hultgren, age 13 boys; and Layton Jacobson, age 14 boys.
The winners will move on to the District Shoot Off at Sweetwater Elementary on Sunday, Feb. 4.
Congratulations to all the winners!