Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Patti Larson visited at the Heritage House in New Rockford last Tuesday and got in on birthday cake and ice cream for her aunt Judy Cudworth. Later in the week, Patti had her uncle Doug Cudworth over for supper to celebrate his 70th birthday.
Last Wednesday, Jan Loe and Patti Clifton stopped at the Pingree Community Cafe for noon lunch on their way to Jamestown. In Jamestown, stops were at the recycling center, Menards and Walmart. They also made a couple stops in Carrington before returning home to Sheyenne. It was a beautiful shirt-sleeve February day!
The Peter Larson family enjoyed supper at Gilley’s and all were entertained by the DPRCA production of "Guys on Ice" last Friday.
Wild Things Taxidermy hosted the Brandon Kolstad Memorial Coyote Hunt on February 25. Nineteen teams brought in 21 coyotes before the end of the day. Hunters came from across the state to compete. Prizes were awarded after supper at Wild Things Taxidermy. First place went to Greg Kolstad and Brad Skytland; second place went to Ben Grann and Ben Ayre; third place was awarded to Joel Kuczynski and Dale Peplinski. Andy Bachmeier and Nate Collier captured the “Big Dog” prize. Damon and Kiefer Finley got the “Little Dog" prize.
On Saturday, Feb. 24, Neil and Laurie Westby’s daughter Mallory married Dustin Anton in Bismarck at Sixteen03 Main Events in front of family and friends. Mallory’s brother Scott officiated. Erin (Westby) Cochran was matron of honor. A strong contingent of Sheyenne folks attended the celebration and enjoyed visiting. Attendees staying for the reception included Roger and Dianne Langley; Lynn and Charlotte Erickson; Bob, Dianne and Collin Hanson; Peter, Patti and Joanna Larson; Ian Gilley; and Danny and Karen Birkeland. Others with Sheyenne roots, Jan and Allen Birkeland, of Watertown, S.D. and Renae and Lorrel Jungling of Bismarck were also in attendance.
Jeff and Denise Labrensz returned on Sunday, Feb. 25, from a week spent in Mesa, Ariz., with Denise's sister Debbie and her husband Kent. They enjoyed spending time on the patio eating oranges from the tree, visiting with neighbors, taking a boat tour of Saguaro Lake, and attending a festival of fine arts and crafts in Fountain Hills, as well as the Renaissance Festival in Gold Canyon. They also watched and played some bocce ball, listened to the birds, watched quail walking through the yard along with rabbits, and even saw three coyotes walk down the street in front of the house which is in a gated community. The weather was wonderful, in the upper 70s all week and not much of a breeze.
The Sheyenne VFW club held their annual Scandinavian-inspired Torsk Feed fundraiser on February 25. About 60 attendees enjoyed the delicious meal.
Jan Loe and Patti Clifton were in Devils Lake on Monday and enjoyed another beautiful day while doing some errands and shopping!