Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letter to the Editor: March 11, 2024

We've just finished the football season and I'm looking at a painful correlation. In football there's a penalty for piling. A player's down and other players crush him. But in society, law enforcement, and sadly family, it's okay.

It's stated in the Bible our debts are paid and put away as far as the east, forgotten. The court declares you've done your time and paid your fine, you're free. But in our little town we have court house officials, neighbors and even family that believe they are higher than our creator and the courts.

In Psalm 56:8, we read that "God saves our tears in a bottle." Amazingly powerful that anyone thinks they can tell God when the bottle's full enough. I've asked a couple of them, "What specifically has this person done to you?" They're stumped for an answer.

A (basically) single mom, hopelessly in debt here, was charged three times more for Care Required than the fine for a man that had a worse accident, fled the scene and rolled his car, and double the guy that had two felonies – one for assaulting an officer.

Dust off your Bible or just Google judgmental: as you do unto others, the least of my people, hypocrite, you with no sin cast the stone, hundreds of verses pop up. So "be ye kind and tender hearted" and quit piling. In 1776 our preamble reads "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Bill Ziegler

New Rockford, N.D.

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