Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

District 14 Dem-NPL hold convention in Harvey

Trygve Hammer pounded out a strong message to an engaged crowd at the Harvey Armory on Sunday afternoon. He is running for North Dakota’s open House seat in the U.S. Congress. His style of communication was “encouraging” to Patti Patrie of Bowdon, and others in attendance at the District 14 Dem-NPL Convention.

Hammer and his wife Kelli have been visiting communities across the state getting to know people and explaining why he would like to represent North Dakota in the U.S. House. He shared how his life experience makes him uniquely qualified to bring North Dakota values to Washington. He grew up in Velva and enlisted in the Navy where his academic potential and discipline earned him an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. After graduation he served his career in the Marines, before returning home to teach science in rural North Dakota He and Kelli have three adult children and currently live in Minot.

After speaking for about a half hour, Hammer took questions from the crowd. His answers demonstrated his concerns about property rights with the carbon pipeline and the need for more transparency in government. Hammer is seeking the Dem-NPL nomination for the seat left empty by Republican Kelly Armstrong. Hammer can be found at

After Hammer’s address, District 14 Dem-NPL conducted business and discussed the district lines, which have recently been changed, again. This makes it challenging for candidates to get to know people and connect on issues from north of Rugby to south of Steele. Anyone that would like to get involved with the District 14 Dem-NPL is encouraged to send an email to [email protected].