Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Five qualify for state music in May

NR-S musicians traveled to Jamestown on Wednesday, April 3 to compete in the Region 5 Small Group Solo and Ensemble Contest at University of Jamestown.

A total of five performances were delivered by the locals, and two of them earned "star" ratings and the opportunity to compete at the North Dakota State Class B Music Festival on Saturday, May 4 at Bismarck State College.

The percussion trio of Vinnie Ruppell, Jacob Louters and Layton Jacobson performed "Battle Royale" by Angela Kepley.

Vocal duet Rikka Gudmunson and Chelsea Monty sang "Benedictus" by Brian Lewis.

Rikka Gudmunson performed a solo, "Ave Maria" by Franz Schubert, and received a "1" rating. Other groups who participated included a 10-piece percussion ensemble playing the French folk song "Au Clair de la Lune" and a vocal ensemble who sang "Ubi Caritas" by Michael John Trotta.

Other musicians who performed included Claire Becker, Eli Alfstad, Tillie Swart, Katie Allmaras, Judy Meier, Thomas Allmaras, Lucy Meier, Kaelyn Ystaas, Kaci Weisenburger, Trysta Thumb and Bailey Baumbach. They are directed by Drew Relling and accompanied by Kerstin Allmaras.