Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

NR-S school board reviews survey

Will evaluate candidates for superintendent April 23

At the New Rockford-Sheyenne School Board’s regular meeting on Monday, April 8, board members reviewed a survey revealing what community members, staff and students are expecting from the district’s next superintendent.

The survey was conducted by Dakota Leadership Solutions, a private firm composed of current and former superintendents, who the school board hired to aid in the search for a new superintendent following Dr. Jill Louters’ resignation in March.

The survey was open to residents of the NR-S district, as well as staff, school board members and students at the school.

A total of 80 people responded to the survey, and Dakota Leadership Solutions compiled their answers into a summary that was presented to the school board.

Of the 80 who responded, 62 were community members, 14 were teachers, three were school board members and one was a student.

The overall consensus was that prior experience as a superintendent isn’t as important as prior experience as a principal and/or teacher.

Respondents also said they’re hoping for a superintendent who can create a “climate of trust” and a “positive learning environment.”

And regarding what kind of personal characteristics they’re looking for in the next superintendent, respondents focused on communication, an ability to work with others, ability to be friendly and approachable and a strong work ethic.

Written statements or concerns provided by individual survey respondents were not included in the general summary.

The school board and hiring committee will have the survey results in mind as they begin evaluating superintendent candidates.

That process is expected to begin on April 23, when representatives from Dakota Leadership Solutions will go over a list of candidates with the school board during an executive session.

At that meeting, the school board will select a few finalists, who will then be interviewed at a later date.

The final candidates will be interviewed by a hiring committee composed of all school board member, two teachers and two administrators, though the final decision of whom to hire will be decided by a vote of the school board.

Any current NR-S administrators or teachers who apply for the superintendent position would not be allowed on the hiring committee.

Unlike the April 23 meeting where they’ll select finalists, the interview process will be completely open to the public, and the meeting dates and times will be announced ahead of time.

The next regular meeting of the New Rockford-Sheyenne School Board is scheduled for Monday, May 13 at 7 p.m.

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