Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letter to the Editor: April 22, 2024

The measure to eliminate property tax is being circulated, and signatures collected to place it on the November ballot. There is also a strong, concerted effort to once again scare voters to go against their own best interest.

The measure is simple and does two things: it provides huge RELIEF by using excessive state revenue to replace what we are currently paying in property taxes. We get to keep that amount every year! And it creates true REFORM by stopping taxation based on valuation increases, ending confusing mill levies and no longer being forced out of your own home.

Elected officials are telling people that there will be no local control, and there won’t be any money to hire teachers, police officers, etc. This is a scare tactic. They are trying to manipulate you with fear. The facts are that local governments will retain 100% complete control. They will be in total charge of determining their own budgets without state interference, and will be able to raise the revenue they need in future years beyond the amount the state is replacing. Those future increases will be the same as the expected increases in property tax, but they will be more fair and transparent, giving local people more control.

Some issues opponents use to scare you are due to a few current laws, rather than the measure itself. What they intentionally keep from you is that these concerns (for example township revenue) are easily addressed with bills that legislators are planning to introduce.

This measure does what the Legislature had promised, but failed to deliver for the last 12 years. It’s time for us to make true tax relief and reform a reality. We cannot fall for the campaign of fear dishonestly presented by the opposition. Go to

Rick Becker

Bismarck, N.D.

Chair of Sponsoring Committee, End Unfair Property Tax

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