Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
In “School Notes” in the Nov. 23, 1906, “Transcript” there were 25 students enrolled at NRHS; several high school students were writing competitive essays on Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”; the eighth graders were using Mace’s United States History textbook; the Chemistry class had finished their study of air; on November 21, Mrs. E.S. Severtson and Miss Gertrude Buck visited the Primary room; Leo Snook of Tiffany had joined the sixth grade.
On November 23, James G. Dailey, O.G. Cooling, and J.A. McAuley went to Fargo for a meeting of the Elks. A 12-lb. daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. E.C. (Ed) Overton on their farm west of New Rockford. That afternoon the NRHS Literary Society met and had the following program: Song by the School; Selected Reading, Elwin Beardsley; Vocal Solo, Sarah Johnson; Newspaper, George Hawthorne and Lloyd Beardsley; Debate: “Resolved, That Our Large Department Stores are an Injury to the Country,” with Roger Mattson and Pearl Aldrich for the Affirmative and Jennie Hersey and Clifford Gardner arguing the Negative; Piano Duet, Mabel House, Marguerite Carroll; Song by the School. That evening the Barlow Camp of the MWA Lodge sponsored a dance and basket social.
On November 24, Ludvik Hanson was in from Plainview on business. John F. Goss went to Grand Forks to serve on a U.S. federal court petit jury; he returned on December 7.
On November 24 and 25, W.F. Steinweg of Courtenay visited his sister Mrs. H.F. Rodenberg and family. From November 24 to 27, Fessenden attorney John A. Layne was over visiting his sister Mrs. James A. Manly and her family.
On Sunday, Nov. 25, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Spindler, their four-year-old child, and a two-year-old baby, visited her father [and mother?] and as evening came on, they headed for their home which was 15 miles northwest of New Rockford. On the way, their sleigh or cutter was upset, they were thrown out and the team ran away. Mr. Spindler, who apparently had been drinking, got off the road and wandered off. The night was cold, but not unbearably so. Mrs. Spindler put the baby on her back, took the hand of her child, and trudged down the road, eventually making it to her home. Inside, she discovered that the baby was dead from exposure. Dr. G.D. Murphy was called and after treating the child and the mother said they would be all right. Searchers discovered the frozen body of Mr. Spindler where he had fallen. A double funeral service was held on November 28.
That Sunday’s edition of the “Minneapolis Journal” had a picture of large pile of wheat on the ground in New Rockford.
On November 26, Sheyenne druggist James W. Webb and Olive Brown, a relative of Miss Carrie Waters and Mrs. F.E. Reed, were married in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Hall by Rev. J.R. Beebe. Mrs. John Von Almen’s mother and brother arrived from Chicago for a visit. Lee Violet from west of town went to Cooperstown, where he married Miss Morrison, a sister-in-law of Ira Shroyer on November 28.
On November 26, the District Court convened with Judge John F. Cowan, who was relieved by Judge E.T. Burke at noon on November 27. The jury list was Gus Anderson, John Anderson, Ole Anderson, Thomas Ashby, T.J. Bakstad, W.C. Beardsley, J.E. Bennett, John Borgerson, Charles Brolin, George Brown, James Dailey, B.A. Daniels, L.J. Doyle, J.L. Everson, John Geiger, Peter Guler, James Hackney, Andrew Hakenson [sp.?], H.P. Halverson, F.C. Hanson, G. Helsvig, James Hobbs, F.E. Johnson, Anton Knudtson, Otto Kruger, Chris Kvale, Andrew Nelson, Dennis O’Keefe, Michael O’Keefe, Robert O’Neill, Ole Sedall, Ole Skustad, Otto Torkleson, O.C. Weiber and N.A. Wold. Chris A. Kvale from west of Sheyenne was one of those chosen for the petit jury. H.P. Halverson also attended court [as a juror?].
First, the seven criminal cases were called and the defendants arraigned. Each asked for 24 hours in which to plead and 48 hours to prepare for trial. The requests were granted.
The civil cases were the following:
• Phillips Academy vs. K.K. Moe, jury found for plaintiff, $60 and costs for a total of $104.50; Maddux & Rinker for plaintiff; James Carroll for defendant.
• McDowell vs. Maddux, McDowell had sued Maddux for $78 and Maddux interposed a counterclaim, jury verdict for Maddux for $212; D.F. Ellsworth for plaintiff; Maddux & Rinker for defendant.
• Gull River Lumber Co. vs. Arbogast Bros., et al, judge found for the plaintiff for $873.30; Maddux & Rinker for plaintiff; H.R. Spencer of Duluth and S.E. Ellsworth of Jamestown for the defendants.
Criminal cases heard later in the week:
• State vs. Wiemals; no trial as defendant had appendicitis.
• State vs. Brink, bonds forfeited.
• State vs. Anderson, jury found Anderson guilty, three months in jail, $200 fine; R.F. Rinker for State; P.M. Mattson for defendant.
• State vs. Horton, jury found the defendant guilty, three months in jail, $200 fine; Rinker for State; B.F. Whipple of Fessenden for defendant.
• Ed Abrahamson pled guilty, three months in jail, $200 fine.
• State vs. Ernest Ohrner, judge lectured defendant and dismissed case.
• State vs. Leonard, jury found Leonard guilty on the evening of November 29.
On November 27, Stephen Guler was in on business. Mr. and Mrs. James Lahart were up from Jamestown and visited for a few days. Mrs. J.P. Thurner of Estevan, Saskatchewan, arrived to visit her Eddy County friends; when she was Miss Bella Graham she had worked at the Hotel Mattson.
On November 28, F.W. Giles and Emma L. Anderson, both of Eddy County, were married by Rev. J.R. Beebe in the Congregational parsonage. Fred Dutee came in from eastern Eddy County and spent a few days at the court session and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Liles came down from Oberon and spent Thanksgiving with relatives and friends, as did Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Whiteman from Sheyenne. Mrs. Liles then spent the week visiting her mother Mrs. Anna Whiteman. E.E. Alair arrived from Bowdon to spend Thanksgiving with his family. Mrs. Leslie Parker came in from Denhoff for a visit. Mrs. Robert Reynolds arrived from Maddock to keep house for two of her children, Hattie and Ella, who were attending Phillips Academy. Mrs. O.E. Couch went to Jamestown for the wedding of her friend Mae Challoner and James Wright. Miss Lulu Stein went to Churchs Ferry for Thanksgiving with her parents. That evening there was a dance in the Opera House with the New Rockford Orchestra providing the music. Also that evening all members of the A.O.U.W. (Workmen) Lodge and the Degree of Honor Lodge and their spouses were invited to a social at the Workmen hall. Charles C. Campbell, M.R. Fritz and Alex Austin, Committee; W.C. Beardsley, Recorder.
On November 29, Thanksgiving, Alf. Ellsworth arrived from Montana to spend some time with his parents, Col. and Mrs. D.F. Ellsworth; he left on December 10.