Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letter to the Editor: Letter in support of Representative Jon Nelson

I recently left the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services where I proudly served as the Chief Financial Officer for four years. I had the honor and privilege to serve with some phenomenal state employees and state legislators.

One of the best of the best is Jon Nelson, a representative from the remarkable city of Rugby. Hailing from Surrey, North Dakota, I recall fondly driving through town as a child and always stopping at the café at the heart of North Dakota. Their chili, apple pie and ice cream were a delight. Having served with a few in the Army and knowing a few from Rugby, I can attest to their deep pride in their community. Jon Nelson, in particular, stands out for his unwavering dedication to serving his community.

I’m not a registered Republican, Democrat or Independent. I guess you could say I’m a registered American if there was such a thing. While serving in the military as an enlisted soldier, non-commissioned and commissioned officer, I had the opportunity to serve with many great leaders. One being General Hugh Shelton, who was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I could add many more to this list. One of those on my list of great leaders and one who is focused on his community and looking at how he might help others succeed is Jon Nelson.

I’m proud to say that Jon Nelson is one of the best leaders I’ve worked with professionally. He’s a man of character, and his leadership philosophy aligns with mine, and that is to do the right thing, the right way, and at the right time. As the former Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Health and Human Services, I observed Representative Nelson making tough decisions and the right decisions to ensure the General (North Dakota dollars) and federal funds were allocated for the appropriate programs to help improve the lives of the most vulnerable. Keeping in mind that every North Dakotan is impacted by this department, over 340,000 North Dakota citizens are directly affected by the products and services this department provides to those that are the most vulnerable. A staggering fact and one that I didn’t understand before taking on the CFO role. Representative Nelson does understand the size of the budget and is diligent in the administration of the budget and how it’s deployed. We are fortunate to have him chair the Budget Section – Human Resources Division which oversees the Department of Health and Human Services budget.

Of all the legislators involved with our budget he knows and understands the budgeting process, allocations of funds the best. Based on his full understanding of how to contain costs and to ensure all funds demonstrate an acceptable Return on Investment (ROI) and Added Value Proposition (AVP) to the citizens of North Dakota if he were in my district I would vote for him without reservation or concern. Not once did I see him decide for personal gain. He was focused on caring for those in his district and state and said that often and his actions demonstrated this. He would tell us I must do what’s right for the people he represented. If folks are saying he didn’t do that, then they either don’t know him or don’t know the details behind the work that went into the planning and implementation of the DHHS bill and budget. I was there and observed him and worked with him for four years. If people are saying this then they're misinformed.

I rarely if ever write letters to the editor and never had written a letter about an elected official until now. In Jon Nelson’s case, I know he’s a man of character and high ethical standards, and he knows and understands how to lead the efforts of the committees he serves on or participates with at every level. I served my country for 20 years in the U.S. Army, worked for the state of North Dakota, which I call home, and have run many businesses after my Army career. I can say without hesitation that you’ll find no better person than Representative Jon Nelson in North Dakota. This isn't a political endorsement although it may appear that way. This is one North Dakotan supporting another North Dakotan who has given countless hours for the benefit of others so they might succeed and build a better life for themselves and their family.

Arnie Strebe



Mandan, N.D.

Editor's Note: Per our policy regarding letters to the editor, the publication of this letter has been paid for by Jon Nelson, District 14 Representative.