Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: June 3, 2024

June is a month of change. Colleges and high schools have had their graduations. The college graduates are no longer students. They are either already in or are seeking a place in the work force. High school graduates are approaching adulthood wondering what the future holds in store for them. Will they be seeking full-time jobs or perhaps a summertime job until fall? Will they be going on to college or military service? Maybe just staying at home or working on the home farm until they make up their minds is their plan.

For other students and teachers, it is finally time to put away the books and just relax and recharge for a few months before classes begin anew. It is a busy month for families as well, for farmers in particular. It is time to finish up seeding row crops and in some instances, the grain crops also. Some families are making final plans for a summer vacation. Maybe it will only be time spent at a local lake cabin or it could be national or international destinations on the agenda.

This is also a busy time of the year for our churches. Many had their confirmation service on Pentecost just a couple of weeks ago. Some congregations are making plans for Vacation Bible School, or maybe a Sunday School or church picnic is on the drawing board. With the nicer weather major repairs or improvements are planned. Yep, all in all, a busy time of year.

Change is nothing new though. People have experienced changes from the beginning of time. I recall an old saying, “The only thing that never changes is that there is always change.” For some people change is a dirty word. We get comfortable with our daily routines, we go grocery shopping at the same time on the same day. We absolutely have to sit in the same spot in the same pew in church each Sunday. In some homes, there is a standard Sunday dinner made. For some, going to a particular restaurant for Sunday breakfast and ordering the same meal is standard. We just don't want to change.

There are some things we can always depend upon that we are happy there are no changes. God, speaking through Malachi, says in 3:6 “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob have not perished.” God is telling them that no matter what or how many times they may have disobeyed his commandments, He will never change His promise of love and forgiveness. In a number of the Psalms we are reassured of God's love for us. Just to name a few, the Psalmist writes in 86:5 the Lord is good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call him. In Psalm 100:3 we are told that the Lord is good and his steadfast love endures for ever. In Psalm 103:11-12, we read “For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far he removes our transgressions from us.” Notice that in each of these verses we see the word “steadfast." Steadfast means something that is fixed or never changing. We can be assured that God's love for us will never change. Because of that, we can also be assured that God will hold true to his promise to forgive those who come to him. As added comfort, we can hold Hebrews 13:8 dear to our hearts. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

So as we go through the changes of the seasons, changes in daily routines, changes in goals or whatever changes the season brings to you, remember to include God in your plans. No matter how many or what type of changes you incur, He is there with you. All thanks and praise to God our creator.

Blessings to you all.